africa my love

It is the story of an elite for whom money is not a problem. A history made of boat trips, sumptuous festivals, greens where not a blade of grass goes beyond. In five chapters, J.A. tells you about the Africa of great fortunes.

To celebrate her diploma, the daughter of a Francophone African president gives a reception in her own villa in the heart of the capital. Behind the imposing gate, out of sight, the 4 × 4 line up as at the parade. A brand new eight-cylinder, but no Hummer, definitely passed out of fashion among these enthusiasts of good taste. The mistress of the place, studying in London in her lost hours, takes advantage of her holidays to reconnect with her friends of good society, not forgetting of course to see Dad. He knows how to be so generous.afrique-pauvre.jpg

From the private elevator to the upper floors of the building, the evening is in full swing. The doors open on bottles of dom-pérignon stacked in champagne buckets overflowing with ice, while a dozen young people are tangled on the track to the sound of the best tubes of the moment. All brilliant in health and beautifully dressed in cloth, like their elders, whose lifestyle they reproduce, between outrage and outrage. For this golden and global youth, money has never been a problem. Hardly a subject of discussion. Why lower oneself to talk about material worries when they do not exist?

Porshe Cayenne and private jet on the back of the poor

A few weeks earlier, in another African capital, the relatives of another head of state decide, with a private jet, to celebrate the birthday of one of their students in Shanghai. The metropolis of popular China is now a popular destination for wealthy Africans. A kind of Eden for VIP, without malicious paparazzi or scandal of ill-gotten goods on the horizon. On the contrary ! In a country more than ever fascinated by easy money and where big fortunes grow at the speed of a Porsche Cayenne, what more normal than to spread its wealth?

This is how the rich in Africa live, where they also multiply. By 2023, the number of billionaires will increase by 52%, the biggest worldwide increase! Experts believe that the continent must become the most favorable geographic space for wealth creation. The 43 million dollar yacht acquired in 2013 by the wealthiest African, Nigerian Aliko Dangote, could very quickly become the exception. Please do not disturb, please!

Where is the conscience of humans?

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