#rhapsodist The Key by ZoeF


It was a cold dampd morning in september. The clouds where lifting up slowly and some birds where chirping oudside. I woke up not remembering anything from the night. A cold old iron key in my left hand and a glas in the other. Trying to figure out what has happend and what this key is for. Yesterday was my birthday party or atleast i think it was. Put on my slippers and walk down the stairs with the smell of coffee. Looking at the calandar in the dining room i quickly remember that indeed it was my birthday party. But stil no clue what the key was for. Grab the coffee and poored it in my cup. Thinkering why the key is here and what it was foor. On the table stil remnants of the party, empty beer bottles, glasses, sigaret buds and a little note with a number on it "345190", that i can't seem to place.

When i looked at the key there are some faded markings on it "BOS". Bos i wonder .... . Strange indeed, i put the key down the table and put on some clothes. A good morning walk may bring my memory's back. Walking out the door i stumble over a small box, while i stumbled over it, it broke. Inside another number "121454" and a following paper "dear ZoeF, congratz with your birthday and we hope you enjoy the present".

Stil thinking about the key and how it all fits togheter. Walking oudside it started to rain. And slowly i became soacked. Passing the local diner i decided to jump inside and take a drink and something to eat. The guy behind the counter was a norse brute called Gerald. I have been comming here for a copple of years and Gerald has been here for as long as i can remember. When he sees me comming in he poors a coffee and ask what i want for breakfast. "Give me some bacon and eggs wil ya Gerald". Gerald goes in the back and starts cooking.

Then we start talking about my strange experience and how it does not make sense. The key - the numbers - the odd little box. When we look it up on Geralds laptop we find nothing usefull. But then inside the laptop bag of Gerald i see a funky looking USB drive.

I was hit by lightning, it all started to come back. I ran home as fast i could, could this key be a USB drive? Why didn't i see it? Was this a present from my friends. Why did they do it in this funny way, hiding numbers in boxes and keys?

When i came home and pickd up the key i pulled the back and yes it was indeed a USB drive. I quickly plugd it in and ..... a text file with the remainder of a username and some more digits with numbers. And a big jpg file with the steemit logo!

I slowly opend the steemit.com site and logged in with the digits and username provided. It was one hell of a nice gift.

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