Rhapsodist Writing Contest #7 - Dust Covered Autobiography of a Life not Lived

Dear All,

To those who has read my first entry into this contest Week 6, this is the continuation of the same story but in accordance to the theme of the challenge.

I grabbed the key, still slightly dazed and confused, I ran down, took my sling bag, and gobbled up the maple syrup pancake mom made. Tito my beloved Jack Russell ate half of it when mom wasn't looking. Life has been turbulent and weed is a cheap relief. I told mom jokingly that I am now vegetarian, referring to the weed rather than abstention from meat.

'What time is that douchebag coming?' I asked.

Mom has been asking me to refer to Fred as ‘Dad’ which I refused. Noone can replace him! Ever since mom filed for divorce, this asshole of a man Fred has been staying under the same roof with us. I hated his roving eyes and his 'accidental' brushes on my breasts. I swear one day, I am gonna get that bastard!

Reached college and fuck there is Emily and her gang at the locker area. I noticed a at least 5 yellow sticky notes that reads,

'LOSER XOXO, lotsa love from US!'

This bullying has to stop. Last week it was glue all over my physics thesis and today I can only guess. I am going to break her nose this time, I swear. I plucked my courage and walked towards Emily, but someone tripped me. I dreaded the fall, isn't my first for the day.

Sudden blue streaks of flashes appeared and that familiar chirping that I recognise. It’s Chantel! I knew I wasn't dreaming. My surrounding has suddenly changed. Bits of memories are starting to connect the dots. I back in Everland! The familiar smell of daffodils and hints of lavender, a swarm of royal army bees led by Mervyn. Usually whenever Mervyn is around it signals the arrival of the King.

My hair is curled up and neatly braided. Dressed up almost like a Greek Goddess in white silk. The thud of the King’s trident was thunderous. Signaling his arrival. No wonder he can summon earthquake with one strike. Randowclaw wasn't known for his good temperament. But somehow, this man that can summon the mighty flying serpent and command the the sprites and elves int he woods, is nothing but a lump of sugar at the sight of me. Rumours has been buzzing in Everland that I am his long lost child which I have no way to ascertain.

I know my decision to return to the mortal world has saddened him immensely. The last few days was simply magical. Noone has ever swam to the end of the world and watch a lunar eclipse in a meteor shower accompanied by the mighty King. I never knew who he was until he asked me to call him Father. I witnessed the most amazing whale dance in the depths of the sea. As much as I hate seeing Emily’s freckled face, I could not say goodbye to Tito and mom. She needs me, even more so when asshole is around. I am resolute.

dancing whale.png

This is the link to the first post I wrote:

Special shoutout to my mates in @theunmentionables

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