Review | Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption

In 2010 Red Dead Redemption is launched by Rockstar Games to give a second chance to the Western after Red Dead, in this we will take the mantle of John Marston who was a former member of the band Van Der Linde which was a band that was dedicated to misdeeds throughout the Wild West in order to survive that was diluted after a confrontation in this, John Marston is forced by Officer Edgar Ross to hunt down his old comrades one by one so that he can return to his wife Abigail and Son Jack to finish diluting such an infamous gang, John goes first after Bill Williamson and after a brief chat John is shot and unconscious then is picked up by a peasant girl named Bonnie MacFarlane and there we begin to know new characters which will help us to get and kill Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella and most importantly Dutch Van Der line his former gang leader and who handled all the plans.

Red Dead Redemption is a sandbox game set in the old west back in the days of the cowboys, in this we will have a lot of world to explore with a variety of scenarios, from the classic desert to a swamp, in this world we will be presented with a lot of missions both primary and secondary with which we will be a good time exploring and finding new things to do for hours, from hunting animals, hunting outlaws, doing farm work, Playing mini-games in bars and casinos such as black jack and poker with which we will win a decent amount of money if we win, we will also have an honor system with which we can be a good person to a vile outlaw who kills and steals for pleasure, depending on how we have the honor the police will pursue us with much constancy or even can put a price on our head, we will also have a lot of firearms, from rifles to shotguns and throwing weapons such as dynamite or knives. In this we will have a characteristic called "Dead Eye" with which we will be able to slow down the time and to mark the enemies this way to be able to shoot them of an automatic form and this way to be able to free us of some situations in which we see ourselves complexed by the quantity of enemies marauding to the surroundings or also to facilitate the missions of hunt, In the game we can change all the weapons that we have found or bought by means of a rotating circle in which we can change the main one that we take to others that seem to us more comfortable and to adapt us better to the situation, also it will be possible to be had a horse which we will be able to call whistling with a button, in the steppe better horses will be able to be obtained if the one that we have is murdered in combat or by our negligence, or also it is possible to be resorted to the purchase of these in which the difference between each one will be able to be noticed and to improve the comfort in the exploration.


Graphically the game is very good compared to other games of the time, giving us a variety of scenarios with a palette of colors characteristics, as in the desert everything will have a tone but abandonment and loneliness, in the swamp will have a gloomy and humid, among others. Something that would also stand out in the design of the areas we go through since we will be able to recognize where we are in some occasions by the level design, in characters we also have a careful design especially in the main and secondary ones with which we give them a characteristic clothing and thus be able to recognize them easily. also stands out in the designs and interior decorations of shops, houses, casinos, etc., giving a unique touch depending on where we find them, either in Armadillo, Mexico or Blackwater we can notice the change either by the structures or the amount of population and the way they dress.


The game contains a western themed soundtrack that takes us deeper into the lonely desert wasteland or into the populated city, having outstanding background themes such as "Deadman's Gun" and "Far Away" which can be memorable for the player, as for the sound of the guns you can feel a good feedback from them by the sound and the recoil that each one has becoming satisfactory to shoot some weapons that are found, in ambient sound you can hear the wind and how it passes through the trees or also the gallop of horses and animals by which we can get a scare by some that can be dangerous such as a puma, We can also highlight the good voice performance in the game by the actors in which we can recognize an accent said of the time going even further into the western setting, and we can highlight the voice work of Robert Allen Wiethoff (Voice of John Marton) giving a serious and rough tone or sentimental John in the course of the game.


Red Dead Redemption is an incredible game in which to get lost for a long time that has a lot of details and things to do and even won best game of the year in 2010, is a unique experience with good and deep characters that will give us an entertaining plot and an incredible playable experience with which we will be engrossed for hours trying to hunt rare animals, discovering hidden treasures, making secondary and main missions, etc. It is a great game that no person who loves the GTA saga or the western theme should miss with an unforgettable ending that will leave more than one sad

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