Get paid to Review Books Online

So, whether it’s Gothic romance, crime or non-fiction, you could actually, in essence, get paid to review the books you read.
To make things easy, we’ve rounded up a list of companies that will pay you to write book reviews.

  1. The US Review of Books
    The US Review of Books pays writers for books reviews in a variety of genres.
    Succinct reviews of between 250 to 300 words are requested. The review must provide a summary of the book, as well as any insights or opinions you drew from it.
    Reviews can also include quotes from the book and observations about the author. But, they must limit clichés and avoid a casual tone. Criticism is okay – as long as it is constructive and factual.
    Reviews must be completed within two to three weeks.
    The website, which was set up to give people easy access to book reviews, periodically posts book titles.
    Then, potential reviewers select the titles that they’re interested in reviewing. The website then selects writers to create reviews based on how well they fit the project and the titles they chose earlier.
    Reviewers are paid monthly, on the 5th, for each review that they completed during the previous month.
  2. Online Book Club
    If you love to read books and enjoy discovering new authors, becoming a reviewer for the Online Book Club will be right up your alley.
    This website gives readers free books and payments in exchange for book reviews.
    The website is designed to help authors to promote their books, through honest reviews.
    The website pays between $5 and $60, depending on the experience of the reviewer and the book under review.
    As a new member of the Online Book Club, you probably won’t get paid for your first few reviews. Instead, you’ll receive books for free. After the site checks some of your previous work, you’ll get paid review opportunities.
  3. OnceWritten
    Read new books and get paid for it with OnceWritten.
    This website requires well-written, unique reviews that are more than 350 words.
    Reviews are published on the site’s Book Reviews Page and in its Off the Press Newsletter. The site pays $5 per review.
  4. Kirkus
    If you’d like to get paid for reviewing books and get your writing featured in a magazine, then check out Kirkus.
    Kirkus Media needs experienced review writers to create reviews of both English and Spanish language titles.
    These reviews are published in Kirkus Indie, which is the section of the book review magazine that focuses on self-published authors.
    Reviews must be around 350 words and must be submitted within two weeks of assignment.
    To become a reviewer, you need to submit a resume, along with writing samples and some information about what types of books you like to review to the Kirkus Indie Editor.
  5. Any Subject Books
    If you love reading and think you can offer some analytic book reviews, then consider writing for Any Subject Books.
    The site pays you to create honest, objective reviews
    The website will contact you with the book title that they want you to review – along with a short synopsis of the book. The titles they give you will be in a genre that you’re familiar with.
    If you choose to do the review, then you’ll need to read the book and provide an honest review of it, in accordance with the site’s form.
    The amount you’ll earn varies on a book by book basis. Shorter books will pay less and longer books will pay more.IMG_20190318_170935_723.JPG
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