Arrow Season 8 Episode 18: 'Lost Canary' Review

[SPOILER ALERT! Watch out for spoilers from the episode!]

In this episode, Arrow gives us another 'Birds of Prey' story, focused mainly on the famale characters of the show, present and future.


Following the release of Laurel's picture alongside a known criminal to the public and Dinah's continuous doubting of her goodness, Laurel decides to stop trying and go full Black Siren once again, seeking out an old criminal partner of hers, Shadow Thief. Together, they begin a robbery spree, using Laurel's D.A.'s list of gangs, criminals, and suspects. It doesn't take long before the public catches on, and the D.A. Laurel Lance is put on SPDC's list of wanted criminals.

However, there is one person who doesn't immediately throw in the towel on Laurel (not counting the men, they were totally on their own mission throughout). Felicity refuses to let Laurel go and keep calling and tracking her, going as far as proving to Dinah that she didn't kill the suspect form last episode (Emiko did that). Dinah won't budge, determined as she is to hate Laurel, so Felicity calls in help from out of time: Laurel's sister Sara, the White Canary. Sara shows up and rescues both Felicity and Dinah when Laurel and her new accomplice gets the better of them. Finally, Felicity convinces them both not to give up on Laurel, and together they convince Laurel that redemption & goodness is not a destination, but a very hard journey. Laurel finally heeds her and returns from the brink, helping them fight against Shadow Thief and destroying the new weapon she was acquiring.


In the future timeline, our heroes are facing huge problems after thwarting the plans of their nemesis. We learn there are numerous Canaries, not just Dinah and her protege. Galaxy one, armed with tech none of them can beat, is killing them all off in retaliation and Mia is seriously pissed. Against Dinah's and Felicity's advice, she goea against him on her own and is beat down, until Laurel, who is obviously back on Earth-1 arrives and helps her with a few other Canaries.


Meanwhile, Oliver and Dig discover a big secret. Dante and the Knight Circle may have been involved in the killing of Emiko's mother...

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