fall in love by raisa


Raisa. Read more Raisa Andriana. Indonesian female vocalist who is currently much talked about. He not only had face capital, but also sound capital. Its emergence in the world of music Industry Indonesia is like an oasis in the dry of a female vocalist who drowned because of the trend of boy band and girl band who only capitalize look but do not ask the sound quality.

Through Raisa's successful 2011 album, Raisa's career began to climb. The gig bid started to arrive. In the midst of his increasing activity, he remains in charge of work. After two years, Raisa released the album Heart To Heart is increasingly plunged his name.

The two albums produced made him busy gigging and became the brand ambassador of some products. Busyness into a commercial and splashing results faster and instant does not make him run away from the responsibility of his musical career. After two years of releasing their second album, earlier this year Indonesian music listeners were treated to a charming single Raisa entitled 'Falling Heart'.

The release of the single could be a sign that the album will soon be produced soon. The buyer of his album would have been eager to wait how Raisa's works are arguably have a complete package in his career. Yes a charming face, yes a neat song, yes also a sweet attitude.

Then, how this single can bewitch the buyer of his album that can not wait?

The title is interesting, Falling Heart. What about the song? For me, the definition of a good song is not a song that once heard directly justified as a nice song. Need more frequency to hear it until the conclusion of the song was not boring but increasingly making fall in love and falling in love.

Well, this song makes me conclude it like that. But, why the title Falling Heart, not Falling in Love? Is there a difference between the two terms that are often equated?

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