Book review: Chase your shadow: The trials of Oscar Pistorius

Recently I read this book written by John Carlin and I want to share my review about it here.

The author

First of all I'd like to mention the excellent job that Carlin does in this book. He manages to catch the reader with the way he tells the story, by mixing parts of the present with the past.

The author starts the book narrating what happened the night of the murder, like if he'd been there, but also without any emotional touch, it's more like a journalistic narration.

In some point you feel compasionate for that poor kid with no legs and all that he went through in his life, and in other times you feel like he's crazy and he deserves to be put in jail, so I think he makes a good job by making the narrative neutral.

He makes a good job presenting both sides of the story.

The story

Pistorius was like a superstar in South Africa, he's even considered to be the second most important South African figure after Nelson Mandela, so he's very important there.

But everything vanishes after he killed his girlfriend, and he becomes the most hated person.

Each chapter is focused on explaining Pistorius' behaviour in the present based on something that happened in his past.

The truth is that Pistorius' story is amazing, he achieved great success despite being born with a physical disability.

The book makes you feel happy for the great achievements of Pistorius and also makes you feel sad for the way it all ended. And also makes you wonder: What is the truth? Did Pistorius killed his girlfriend intentionally or is he just crazy?

Personal opinion

Personally I really liked this book, I recommend the people to read it, it contains great teachings from which we can learn.

Books should make us think, make us reflect on life, so we can grow to be better persons.

I'll share some of my thoughts after reading it:

-  People with physical disabilities are not inferior citizens, they can reach success and they're an example and motivation for everybody.

- The media is dangerous sometimes. We have to be neutral in order to find the truth.

- No matter how high you are, you can always fall down, so be careful of each decision you make.

- If I don't believe in me and in my own capabilities, nobody will.

- A parent should encourage their child in order to reach success.

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If you want to know the truth about why a successful, kind and brave man shot his girlfriend, you should read this book.

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