My Weekly Post Review

Welcome to my weekly top three post from project.hope. Project hope is an initiative of @crypto.piotr, @pedrobrito2004, @juanmolina, @fucho80, @gbenga, @jadams2k18, and @lanzjoseg, which started growing and has now become a community of over 1000 subscribers and about 150 active members both on steemit and on hive.

Without delay, I will be reviewing three posts from the @project.hope community written by amazing writers. I hope you enjoy them.

Enhance your skills to solve difficulties.


image from @mandate post

We live in a generation where skill acquisition is not enough, after you acquire the skill you have to keep improving on the skill from time to time.

You can read about it Here

Family unity allows us to better face difficulties / Personal reflection. @rbalzan79


image from @rbalzan79 post

With unity in a family there is often progress and development, it is great to see a family where unity and love resides.

To learn more, read

Ben Gulliver | from unemployed to millionaire entrepreneur



This is a story of a young man who saw am opportunity during the crises and he utilized it properly to make a good profit for himself.

You can read more about the topic Here

Thank you very much for checking out my blog, please keep visiting and support project.hope

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