(What will happen 23rd of September 2017 ? Get ready The Revelation 12 sign 23rd September 2017) I'M WRITTING THIS AND POSTING IT STRAIGHT ONTO STEEMIT


September 23, 2017: You need to see this (Date Setting a Sign, Not the Rapture)

'DOOMSDAY IS COMING' Is the end of the world on September 23 and what is David Meade’s theory about the Great American solar eclipse and Planet X?

Christian conspiracy theorists have gathered clues that suggest the end of the world is nigh
By Amanda Devlin
22nd September 2017, 10:00 am

2rd link-------- https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2017/09/20/the-christian-numerologist-whose-biblical-doomsday-claim-has-some-nervously-eyeing-sept-23/?utm_term=.55d09b2b552a
Updated: 22nd September 2017, 10:32 am

THE end of the world as we know it could be VERY soon as conspiracy theorists claim a mysterious planet will collide with Earth on Saturday (September 23, 2017).

Bible passages apparently supporting a centuries-old prediction about doomsday have intrigued many — but what’s it all about?

Predictions that the end of the world in nigh have been stirred after a date matched quotes in the Bible
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Predictions that the end of the world in nigh have been stirred after a date matched quotes in the Bible
Is the end of the world on September 23?

A Christian numerologist claims a verse in the Bible proves that the world will end on September 23.

In Luke’s passage 21: 25 to 26, there is a quote which apparently matches the date of the Great American Solar Eclipse, when Hurricane Harvey hit and when Texas was flooded.

It reads: “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars.

“On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.

“People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.”

September 23 was pinpointed using codes from the Bible and also a “date marker” shown by the pyramids of Giza in Egypt.

But NASA has dismissed the claims, insisting the Planet X theory is merely a hoax.
APOCALYPSE WHEN? Five times the world was supposed to end (but didn’t)… from alien invasions to man-made black holes
What is David Meade’s theory about Planet X and the Great American solar eclipse?

Conspiracies about the mysterious planet named Nibiru suggest it could be headed towards Earth to destroy it on September 23.

It was first mentioned in 1976 by author Zecharia Sitchin in his book The 12th Planet.

He believed the planet is home to ancient aliens called the Annunaki who he claimed created the human race.

As the date fast approaches, Christian conspiracy theorist David Meade expects Nibiru, also known as Planet X, will pass the Earth – bringing with it volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and earthquakes.

Meade buys into the idea that a 2,000-year-old prophecy, which was described in the book of Revelation, will cause an apocalypse.

Conspirators say Earth will be destroyed by Planet X

He wrote a book called Planet X – The 2017 Arrival – insisting Nibiru would crash into Earth in October, but then moved it forward by a few weeks.

His theory was given a boost this year when NASA discovered a new planet in the solar system, which they named Planet Nine.

Meade has been quoted previously saying: “It is very strange indeed that both the Great Sign of Revelation 12 and the Great Pyramid of Giza both point us to one precise moment in time – September 20 to 23, 2017.”

The prediction that Planet X will collide with Earth and destroy it has been rumbling around for years – but every doomsday has come and gone so far.
What has the Great American solar eclipse got to do with the end of the world?

On August 21, 2017, millions of Americans saw one of nature’s most astonishing sights — a total eclipse of the Sun.

While many were in awe of the unusual moment in history, theorists believe it signaled1448367692627.jpg the start of the Apocalypse by being the day Planet x entered the solar system.

Meade told The Daily Star: “The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, is a major – huge – harbinger.”

link and source https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=what+will+happen+september+23+2017

They is going to be a great movement in the realm of the spirit and same in the realm of the physical...
The Lord is going to show a sign that's going to show us that we are in the last generation...
We live in a solar system where they is nine planets now all this planets are going to Aline on the 23rd of September & they is going to be a great shaking on the earth and climate is going to change like never before ...in other places its going to fall snow yet its not a season for it,even to snow in places that had never snowed before ..they are going to be rain in other places yet its not a rain season even rain in places that never rained before.in other places they is going to be earthquakes ...
For those who are in Israel if you are in Jerusalem you can see all the nine planets Aline you can see it because its going to be visible, to those who are near oceans and sea's i age you to stay as far as possible from them because of that get shaking we don't know how it will react ....
Even if you don't like to watch the news on the 23rd watch the news because you are going to see and heard this things..
Now the lord is going to pour out his spirit to the Last Generation what's is also non as the End time Army of the Lord some of you .you are going to have face to face encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ himself and Moses and Elijah... Because they is a great awakening of what's called Moses and Elijah company..
On this day they is going to be an open Heaven miracles are going to take place you can even lay hands on the blind and their eyes are going to be open just like that ...its going to be what was prophesied by Joel in Joel 2vs25-26...

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