MacAddict (May 1998)

Cover of the May 1998 issue of MacAddict

The best way to describe MacAddict would be to compare it to boot/Maximum PC for the PC. It was a magazine for enthusiasts. If I had been aware of it at the time, this magazine probably would have made me want to buy a Mac. Sadly, it transformed into MacLife at some point which was perhaps more polished but also boring and almost...antiseptic for lack of a better word. MacAddict was so much better. the May 1998 issue includes:


  • Become a Mac Handyman - A guide to troubleshooting, repairing and upgrading your Mac. Includes tips on solving software issues, installing PCI, PDS and NUBUS cards, installing RAM, and much more.

  • This Old Mac - I especially loved this series on upgrading and using older Macs. This month the PowerBook 100 is covered which was six years old at the time. The PowerBook 100 is a 16-MHz 68000 based machine. At the time, it could still be made useful for e-mail, word processing and other basic tasks. The RAM could be upgraded to 8MB but RAM upgrades were expensive and 4MB could be enough for those basic tasks. Alternatively, upgrading from 4MB to 6MB was a cheaper alternative then going to 8MB. The hard drive could also be upgraded from the standard 20MB or 40MB drive up to at least 1GB. External drives were also an option. If only modern MacBooks were as upgradeable. Other potential upgrade options include a modem (up to 9600bps external or 2400bps internal), upgraded System Software (up to 7.5.5), and there was plenty of Internet software available including MacPPP, MacTCP, NCSA Mosaic 1.0.3, MacWeb, Eudora, LeeMail, Pegasus, NewWatcher, Fetch, Anarchie, AOL 2.1, and more.

Table of Contents from the May 1998 issue of MacAddict

How To

  • Switch to HFS+ - HFS+ was a new file system that came with MacOS 8.1. This tutorial guides you through upgrading from MacOS 8 and HFS to MacOS 8.1 and HFS+.

  • Know It All about Finder Views - A guide to configuring how Finder displays files and file info.

Table of Contents from the May 1998 issue of MacAddict (continued)

Every Month

3 columns
2 columns
1 column