Commodore User (March 1984)

Commodore User was a long running magazine published in the U.K. that covered the VIC-20, Commodore 64 and other Commodore computers. The first issue was published in October 1983 and the final issue was published in February 1990 for a total of 77 issues. The March 1984 issue includes:

  • Eye on Commodore - Intrepid Commodore-watcher Henry Deckhand visited the recent Which Computer Show to check out any and every product linked, however tenuously, to our world.

  • Insuring your home computer - From Burglary to a manic coffee-cup, your micro needs protection. Bohdan Buciak has been wading through the small-print of insurance policies to come up with some viable alternatives.

  • Lightpens reviewed - Lightpens might appear to be very attractive devices, but they do carry a weighty price-tag. What can they do? Are they worth the money? We put three through their paces.

  • User Profile: Fred Reid and the Fretful Pet - Fred Reid's enthusiasm for building and repairing guitars is matched only by his passion for computers. Bohdan Buciak went along to his diminutive workshop to find out how an ageing Pet helps to make his guitars sound better.

  • Letter from America: a miscellany of Vic tidbits - Vic enthusiast Mike Apsey ("who needs a 64?") has been using Vics of various demeanor for a while now. We prevailed on him to assemble a potpourri of tips and tricks from what he's learned.

  • Screen Scene for the Vic - Our regular round up of Vic games.

  • Forth on the Vic - Richard Hunt reviews The Complete Forth by Alan Winfield: a tome for both the novice and the seasoned Forth programmer - it's British, and it's good too!

  • Go with Gortek - Gortek and the Microchips is the first of Commodore's unique Basic programming series for youngsters. A good story, fun to use, effective teaching...we helped Gortek fend off the nasty Zitrons.

  • Victuals - Get in tune for Monte Carlo - Give the function keys some meaning...and more!

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