Retro Games Top 5 - Part 11 - N64 (Nintendo 64)

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As you may know, I love older, retro games and since a few of my old consoles no longer work, I have been using emulators to play those nostalgic games. For the past week I have been playing with an N64 emulator, and I have picked out my top 5 games for the good old N64.


5 – Mario Kart 64;- the original Mario kart was awesome, and great for 2 player competitions. (even if it was difficult to see the split screen), the 64 version is fantastic entertainment. Nintendo has perfectly captured the essence of what made the original great in this title and made it just as good, with great graphics, sound, playability and even the handling is pretty much the same. Great game.


4 – Star Wars: Battle for Naboo;- The game that got me started on flight sim games was the original Star Fox, now combine that with Star Wars and you got good grounds to base a game on, and Battle for Naboo doesn't disappoint, you can take control of various ships as you progress through the game as you battle the Trade Federation. Stunning game and the voice acting is actually quite good too.


3 – Worms Armageddon;- Even though the N64 is 3D focused, this 2D, turn based game is brilliant. You take control of a small group of 'worms' on a pre generated map, armed with cute voices and weapons of mass destruction, you have to kill the opposing team that are strategically placed on the map before they kill you. There are a lot of maps, and I mean a lot. Very addictive game and everyone who hasn't played it, should play it.


2 – Perfect Dark;- I believe this game was supposed to be the sequel to Golden eye 007, but the idea was scrapped? I could be wrong. But anyhow, it is made by the same developer and came out after golden eye, but when comparing the 2, Perfect Dark is a huge improvement, and the story based, first person shooter is very enticing. Set in the future, you take control of Joanna Dark, fight a corporation and it eventually leads to full on interstellar war. Great espionage/spy game.


1 – Star Wars: Rogue Squadron;- Yes I know, 2 star wars titles in this list, but can you blame me? They are both awesome games. A flight sim, Arcade style, 3rd or 1st person game lets you control all the ships that made the original trilogy such a huge success, from the x-wing, a wing, y wing, to hog tying AT-AT's in a snow speeder, all the way to the millennium Falcon, all the while you're fighting the Empire. Who the fuck, would say no to that?

In true Nintendo style, in most of there releases, they captured everything that made the original great and just improved on it. Just a shame cartridge style games went out the window with the popularity of CD games from the likes of the PS1 and Sega Saturn.
What would your top 5 games be?

Thanks for reading.

Stu @TechMojo


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