Is there enough money in the system to look after you till you die?

In the western world (i.e. UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Europe, Russia etc) the majority of the population is aging. The traditional model that always worked relied on a constant supply of young humans to fuel the machine and support the older population - in the past the younger generation were paying their taxes and therefore could support the oldies (65+ in the UK).

Not everyone is having babies

The model has somewhat changed, I'm 47, i dont have children and most of my friends are in the same boat and have chosen a lifestyle devoid of children - not because they don't like children but because they have focused on developing a lifestyle for themselves rather than following the norm of birth, school, university, job, marriage, kids, grandkids, retire, die!

Less workers to pay for the oldies

The people in work are a very small percentage of the whole population and technology is automating many jobs so there is less need for humans - I like this as in theory we should be able to automate everything which would encourage us humans to focus on our desires, hobbies and interests rather than simply being "wage slaves". However it means that there are less people working and paying taxes. Have you every wondered why we are the only species on this planet that has to pay to live on planet earth? Do you think we were born to pay?

Anyway back to the topic, if we continue on this trajectory and there is no way to support the ageing population because the younger population are not working, it is estimated that in 20 years time there will be no more money in the pot in terms of state pensions and social secuity payouts that normally get paid out to the elderly population.

Its ok, I have a pension and a house...

Sure if you have been lucky and put money aside either through savings, pension plan, own property Cryptocurencies investments, you may have a planned income for when you are old, but most of my friends certainly don't have that to fall back on and when you consider inflation will those savings be worth much in 20 years time? Even if you did have money will you be comfortable driving past poor people on the street? Will you turn a blind eye?

What age will you die?

So what age are you going to die? In past generations it was a certainty, but what if you live beyond that prediction and you savings run out? Will you also be on the street looking for money and returning to your grand property but with no money?

Will technology simply pay for itself?

Humans often argue with me saying that if we automate everything then there will be nothing to pay for and I agree that's the way it should be so we free ourselves. However can you really see free electricity, water and food on the horizon anytime soon? Do you really think the "powers that not be" will give up wanting to enslave us through money?

Will money define us forever?

I feel the real solution will take a paradign shift where we stop being defined by money and instead view each other as fellow humans, with desires, needs and to recognise how interconnected we are. How that happens I am not sure but for me it begins with focusing on recognising that the person in front of me is a human being regardless of their income bracket.

What do you think?

I don't have the solution but would love to open this out to my fellow steemers so we can share some ideas on how to create a community without money or maybe you feel money is crucial for our existence?

Love to all

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