A threat

I do not want there to be a war.  I think that Chinia needs to step up to the plate and support a pathway for peace.  Currently all that they have done is condemed North Korea's theats of violence, but they have not yet figured out a plan that gives teeth to their bark!  Chinia if you see a path to not only verbally condem North Korea's murderous threats but actually show the dictator, then we are all ears!  But so far all that you have done is spoke words (and we know that talk is cheap).  The Chinise goverment has once again shown the world that it is a goverment of cowards.  What is Chinia trying to protect because it is not the lives of our allies, it is not the lives of ther allies, I think all that they care about is ecconomic gain! (because the only action that they have taken is to tell everybody how wrong they are)  Chinia has set its self up to be known as a nation that saw war comming and did ot want to lift a finger to stop it.

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