Making the best new year resolution

Hello steemian, you are welcome to 2018 and am so happy that we made it. As it is tradition to most if us we enter the new year with a long list of goals to accomplish, bad habits to drop, good habits to pick, change our wardrobe, our life style and all of those things.Newyear_resolution.jpg
All these things are intended to lead us through the year because new year comes with a feeling if a new life or rather a fresh start so we make what we call New Year Resolutions.
The practice of new year resolution goes back over 4000 years to the ancient Babyloians where they made promises that they have to keep in honour of their gods to pay debts and return any object they had borrowed in the plantation season. These promises are considered to be the forerunners of our new year's Resolution
This depicts the fact that new year resolution is found on a traditional religious root, new year's resolution today is mostly a secular practice. These days instead of making promises to gods people make resolutions to themselves and focus purely on self improvement this is actually the reason why it seems so hard to follow tgrough.
The new year symbolizes so many things to different people but for Christians it is clear that the bible does not speak for or against new year resolutions. However, if a Christian decides to make such resolutions ought to be in line with God's will for that particular period because it is about living a godly life that will fulfill God's plan for us.

1Tim 4:8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.

You may decide that one if your resolutions will be to loose weight but here the bible values that fact but it is trying to draw us to the needful which is beneficial in all things that we do. Today, many christians make their resolutions based on physical things forgetting their spiritual life this should not be. Instead of including phrases like; quit smoking, quit drinking, lose weight, spend more time with loved ones etc lets start including phrases like; reading our bible, praying more, evangelizing to lost souls, giving to the less privileged and every other thing that will develop us spiritually not just including them but trying to achieve them by God's grace.
In life, all our actions are dependent on a particular reason now resolving to start or stop a particular activity is of no value unless we have the proper reason for that for instance, why do you want to lose weight? Is it to honor God or for vanity sake to please yourself, why do you want to read your Bible? Is it to honor God or to fulfill all righteousness? Or probably because you think it's good?
The key to making a good resolution should be based on God's will by it we grow more to trust him and know him.

John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

Make the right resolution based on God's will because of it is centered on his will he will surely enable you to fulfilled it based on your commitment.
Thanks for reading

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