My 120 Day Plan for Health and Happiness: Day 1

This post really needed to go up yesterday, the first day of my 120 Plan. But life is what happens while your making plans, right? So I'll put up today's real post In the mean time, let me tell you what I'm up to.

About two months ago, I had the opportunity to step away from the daily grind and take stock on how things had gone during the past year. Overall, I was quite pleased, but as often the case with me, short of what I started off expecting to accomplish.

And that's a problem with me. My analytical / certified project manager self knows better. I KNOW better. Those skills created the foundations for a wonderful career. Maybe it's just the old adage of "the plumber's house always leaks", or something like that. But I know how to plan for success.

So, I reflected hard on that as I entered this Earth year. Human calendars have their place, and the bulk of our professional and social lives are planned, executed, and maintained around them. But in my relationship with self, the universal calendar leads the way. Summer and winter solstice. The two equinoxes. These existed well before humans did, and will outlast us all. They are the pulse of life.

So, prior to winter solstice, I laid all my cards on the table, and took stock in what would serve me best as I moved forward, what things needed to be let go of, and the few that I would resurrect if the "important" things went notable better than expected.

At the heart of this is failure, and the desire to learn from it. The best laid plans of mice and men will never account for everything. Even AI is only as good as what has been put into it. My experience, and where I'm at in life, is comfortable in planning activity-driven goals for ~2/3 of my 16 hour day. They include professional growth, personal growth, and spiritual growth. They are generally measurable, and thus accountable, and intended for 120 days, or a third of the year. At that time, I'll step back and assess again.

Here are the highlights:

Do a neighborhood walk of >=4 miles 5x/week (it's a flat area)
Hike or do trailwork 1x/week (adds elevation changes)
One hour workouts with weights or machines 2x/week (focused work)
Do yoga 3x/week (flexibility)
Practice or play golf 2x/week
Follow a maanged diet that, in combination with these activities, should result in losing 1.5 lbs./week
Regular property maintenance

Write 1 short story per month (a real struggle for me)
Read and listen to content that may make me a better writer daily
Complete mental exercises daily (puzzles, games, etc.)
Elevate my skills at using AI for contextual content
Resume student mentoring & tutoring
Learn how to use AI to generate art
Improve Discord & HIVE DAP skills

And if I do well enough to carve out some meaningful time, finish the draft of my book on Economics.

Everything up there has specific goals that include learning from what worked and what didn't. Failure only occurs when we don't do that. Everything else is learning.

I'll share my results every thirty days. Post about the journey daily. That helps me stay true to my plan.

Here I go!

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