How to make Resolutions Stick


Making New Year Resolutions and setting goals for yourself is the easy part...
Following through and sticking to them is where most people fall down, forget or just give up...

"Don't be most people by following these ideas below".

The Real Secret To Making Resolutions Stick is the ability to follow through on your plans, goals and dreams and there are lot's of different way's to do this.

Here are just a couple of way's to stay focused and motivated.

1. Plan
Make a plan, Write it down on paper, better still use a blank page hard backed Journal and keep it beside you at home on your coffee table or somewhere where it's visible at all times, pick it up and look at it every day, keep a note of how you are progressing and plan ahead. Create a poster with your goals numbered and listed and stick it on your wall somewhere you can see it every day. Make a List of all the area's you want to improve on... Physical Fitness Goals, Financial Well-being Goals, Mental Fitness & Personal Development Goals, Business and or Career Goals. Decide what you want and make a realistic plan for yourself and then take positive action steps to make it a reality every single day.


Dream Big, Allow yourself to imagine what it would feel like having all that you desire... Be Specific: If you have a Financial Goal to increase your income level write down the exact amount of how much you'd need to be earning to make all your other goals work. If you need an extra £2,000 or $2,000 €2,000 or whatever it may be in your countries currency write it down. If you have a desire to lose weight? Write down exactly how much weight you want to lose, If you have a desire to start a new business that will produce a substantial income and allow you more time freedom or improve your career skills write them down. If you have a desire to create a more meaningful and fulfilled lifestyle? this is how to begin manifesting what you need, want and desire in your life.

2. Vision Board
Create a Vision Board, Make it as large as you like and fill it up with images of things you "Love" and or people you "Love", This will serve as a good reminder as to "WHY?" You need to stay committed and focused on reaching your goals. If you have set yourself goals to increase your income, get in better shape and ultimately upgrade your Lifestyle then it's good to have images of what your Upgraded Lifestyle look's like, This could include images of your Family, Kid's or Partner to remind you that you are not just focusing on You it's about them too, Add images of your Dream Home, Your Dream Car, Images of Countries you'd like to visit etc. If part of your plan is to get in better shape? Add images of what your desired body shape should look like, images of healthy meals and snacks, fitness and sports activities etc. If you want to improve your skills on a particular sport or fitness activity add images of those too. Add multiple images to your vision board and it will serve as a constant reminder to help you stay focused on reaching your goals.


Begin with browsing over your written plans and then search for images either online or in magazines or newspapers - print them off, cut them out and stick them to a large piece of card. Finally hang it on your wall where you can see it every day and create the feeling of having already achieved your goals, this will inspire you to stay focused and motivated.

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