Artificial clouds can prevent the growth of the Earth?

Studies have begun in some of the world's richest countries by creating artificial clouds and reducing sunlight exposure to the atmosphere.
The top universities in the world including Harvard, Cambridge, MIT, Oxford are leading this study on 'Solar Geo Engineering'.

Scientists say that the way the ash layer covers the sunlight in the atmosphere during volcanic eruption - there is an attempt to find ways to prevent climate change by following the natural process.

However, as far as the volcano is in the atmosphere, it will be spread over a lot of artificial clouds. By doing so, the stove will remain effective for a few years.

It is being said that the study is aimed at creating the synthetic layers at the highest level of the stratosphere.

The UN panel on climate change, however, expressed doubts about the effectiveness and consequences of solar geo engineering. A leaked report has said that the implementation of this technology is not economically, socially and institutionally.

Due to climate change, many people are suspecting whether unusual floods, droughts or extreme rainfall or drought can occur in some parts of the world.

There is also doubt about when the aircraft capable of going above the atmosphere can be built at all.

Environmental scientists from developing countries also express concern and suspicion about this research and demand them to join them in this process.

Environmental experts on environmental issues in Bangladesh, including 12 Bangladesh environmental scientists, wrote in a joint article: "This method is controversial due to climate change."

It is said, "It is not possible to understand its impact on the regional environment, it can bring great benefits and can bring ruin".

Environmental scientist of Bangladesh. Atiq Rahman, one of the authors of Nature's article, told the BBC, "We are not against this research, but we want to add the most affected countries to climate change in this process."

"It will not be possible to create clouds in India or Bangladesh's sky."

"The real thing is - who decides, what elements will be spread in the atmosphere, what will be the reaction, where - how many such moral questions are here, so everyone has to be related to it". Source: BBC Bangla

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