Money vs Reputation. Which is the more true representation of wealth? - Core Concept #1

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A lot of people seemed confused about the network I'm proposing, I've decided to go through piece by piece and try to break down the core concepts and my reasoning into more easily consumable pieces...

Here's the network post:
"Creators Network"

I talk about implementing a Reputation system as the foundation of the network

Why reputation as the foundation?

This post by @troglodactyl inspired me to write this as I give high value to my words and prefer to make my point the quickest way I see possible:

So replace the word Money above with Reputation. Seems similar right?

Would you rather hang out with someone that just has money or a someone that has a good reputation with you?

See true money - true value - is reputation.
Not dollars or gold or even cryptocurrencies though gold and crypto obviously have a good reputation with us.

  • People arn't investing in EoS because there's money behind it (sounds like a banks blockchain)
  • People are investing in EoS because of @dan's reputation.

So if reputation is the foundation of money, wouldn't you want to build the most advanced network on the right foundation?

I've been observing the steemit network for around 3 weeks now, there is already a reputation system among the core community members established, people know each other very personally for online.

But it's not what I would call a solid foundation, it's not well distributed, the power is uneven proportional to the reputations. There are many individuals that I would consider great assets to the network that have very little power or say.

If reputation doesn't matter and money is just a means to facilitate trade? I got some shitcoins for you

Which is more valuable to you?
Your money or your reputation?


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