I met HUman/FUrry / Reptilian/Shapeshifter -Hybrid

OUr entire race is hybrid and regardless all beings are us and we are them you know. so no need for fear or misunderstandings. as we all are one from the higher perspcetives!

hes said he could really cold living in his trailer during the winter to which was kinda funnyyy....
damm u know i actually remeber i know where the pictures of him are on my external hard drive that i created to have a computer conneciton issue.
he even sent me pictures of his eyes that where slit.
his mother was a physica human female around 40's i got slightly heafty around 220 lbs. about 5 '7
his father was about 6'10 reptilian part of the orion alliance. who took a interest in her because she was open 2 other beings actually exisitng in a serious manner.
& this was years ago when it took alot more tenaitiousity 2 believe in more subculture stuff like this per say because way more of humanity even me was far more asleep still.
the guy who was born of them the human /reptilian hyrbid i met on a dating website called www.pounced.org
he said his farther did come back a few years ago when i talked with him in fall ~early winter 2016.
& he took him 2 a deep underground military base they run that is co-ran by the us military and secret cabal groups.
and year the whole tunnel network is real he said.
he was taken to about 5 bases.
his father says he dosen't fully remeber the 5th as - Reptilian father speaking= i showed him some stuff there he wasn't fully ready to remeber but i moreso wanted 2 show him and he was quite the curious fellow.
so later i mostly whiped that from his mind.
-thank u for sharing this with the earth collective this actually does take bravery on your part.
i wish ud actually do some audio channelings of beings like us and put them on places like your utube or dtube or things like that.
video hosting sites basically.
it go a good way towards u deepening your relationship with us and other interdimensional friends of yours in due time.
as there is no hurry.
and yes he was quite angry and broken hearted about the way ur race treated him and moreso some of the stuff we did to you that u brought upon urselfs threw karma and law of attraction.
and he truely did want our races 2 be at peace and be friends.
you will remeet him again. don't worry i will tell him u are sorry and it wasn't anything personallly for blowing up at a him as you needed 2 process out your fear of us and him and that was your only way.
good day earth humans. beleive in the power of each other 4 when u more work as one your are strong like no other force in the universe! or even beyond!

oh also he says we are very misunderstood by you and u raising your vibration does raise the version of the frequency that they are also .
as you know all beings have value as otherwise they wouldnt have been created. even u! amny of u have done and are doing the same things we have done so judge not others least you be judged in return! at the very least take the time 2 get 2 know who it is your judgeing little at least free form just your human ego mind. like your heart and higher mind/awarensss.
many of us just want the same things you want 2 have fun feel powerful have a mate raise a a kid or two with the partner or however many partners we choose. yes polyamorious relationship are qutie common depending on the reality your in and will be becoming extrremly coming on ur earth more then likely in coming years/decades!
thank u for listeing!

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