Banjo Report for Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Banjo Report for 2017-12-12 02:07:54 UTC

These are commands available for @banjo on SteemSpeak presented here in report form.


Quotes from The Mythical Man-Month by Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

The opportunity to be creative and inventive in implementation is not significantly diminished by working within a given external specification, and the order of creativity may even be enhanced by that discipline.

$follows banjo

Here's who's following @banjo and their total MVESTS.

banjo's followers: 1,361 (1,049.582 MVESTS); following: 126 (203.104 MVESTS)


Reward pool information including the value as implied by the internal price feed as well as Poloniex.

Total Reward Fund: 714,606 STEEM (Worth: $1,220,548 internally; $1,234,199 on Bittrex)

$rewardpool golos

Reward pool information including the value as implied by the internal price feed as well as Bittrex.

Total Reward Fund: 46,629 GOLOS (Worth: 220,989 GBG internally; $10,265 on Bittrex)


According to Mongo:

Today: 2482 new accounts (208.125 MVESTS delegated); 36598 active accounts; 27839 posts (11597 authors); 80656 comments (3435 authors); 818216 votes (26718 voters)

Yesterday: 603 new accounts (53.275 MVESTS delegated); 35975 active accounts; 27187 posts (10320 authors); 73063 comments (3391 authors); 883364 votes (25462 voters)

$voting 1440

What is the split between upvotes and downvotes in the last 24 hours?

As of 1 day ago:

805872 upvotes by 26663 voters with 99,974 MVESTS, average weight: 58.290%
7728 downvotes by 283 voters with 10,586 MVESTS, average weight: -28.570%


Current hardfork summary.

Current: 0.19.0; Witness Majority: 0.19.2; Last: 0.19.0 (6 months ago)
Version Votes by Top 100 Witnesses:


Current supply of STEEM.

Supply: 261,109,960 STEEM (Worth $445,975,812 SBD); $3,687,595 SBD (0.827% of supply); 66,222,693 Liquid STEEM (25.362% of supply)

$supply golos

Current supply of GOLOS.

Supply: 130,289,216 GOLOS (Worth 617,484,437 GBG); 9,615,681 GBG (1.557% of supply); 38,901,458 Liquid GOLOS (29.858% of supply)


Current price of the assets as seen on the exchanges.

Poloniex: USD/STEEM: $1.6583; USD/SBD: $6.3191
Bittrex: USD/STEEM: $1.7352; USD/SBD: $12.2632
Bittrex: USD/GOLOS: $0.2201; USD/GBG: $0.1626


Active 3 months ago:
$MVlevelacctsaccts %stake %

1 MV = 1M VESTS = 487.516 STEEM = $832.678 = $842.867 on Bittrex

$distribution golos

Active 3 months ago:
GBGMGlevelacctsaccts %stake %

1 MG = 1M GESTS = 268.888 GOLOS = 1,274.353 GBG = $52.251

$calcreward ...

Here, we're looking at the top trending post to see the impact it has on the reward pool.

Vessel 0.2.0 - Interact with Steem securely from any website
2 days old; Net votes: 1719; Comments: 395; Views: 5616
Total Pending Payout: $1,294.401 (0.106% the size of reward pool).


Total posts promoted for today and yesterday, including the total burned. This is presented as a ratio of the daily reward pool for comparison.

145 posts promoted today totalling $89.665 (0.007% the size of reward pool).

197 posts promoted yesterday totalling $90.357 (0.007% the size of reward pool).

This bot is currently being developed by @inertia. It's written in ruby and uses radiator to access the blockchain and steemdata-rb to query report data.

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