Why Do We Need to Renovate a Basement?

The need for renovation in the basement is periodically faced by people living in private houses outside the city. In most cases, the renovation of the basement is required after it is flooded with ground or sedimentary waters. In most cases the waterproofing of the room suffers. If concrete structures can be easily coated with a new portion of the mortar, then a new waterproofing device will demand more efforts. The basement waterproofing repair can be carried out independently, without the involvement of specialists and the use of additional tools. For this you are to be a good master and have some experience how to manage this. If you’re inexperienced and have no skills in this field, you’d better take services for basement renovation!. Though if you’re going to perform the work yourself consider: for the correct performance of this work, it is necessary, first of all, to find out the main reasons why the waterproofing layer in the basement has ruptured, and also to study the principles of the work.
Basement walls are usually constructed of sufficiently strong materials (concrete, brick, foam blocks), however, moisture can penetrate these materials through microcracks and capillaries, gradually destroying their structure. If the humidity in the room is increased it leads to fungus. Mold colonies appear in the basement for the following reasons: poor-quality waterproofing protection of the foundation, which acts as the walls of the room; the presence of through holes in the wall of the room (usually this occurs during the shrinkage of the foundation); insufficient tightness of the joints of the building material; poor-quality installation of the drainage system and the drain. In order not to encounter the above consequences, it is necessary to create a highly effective waterproofing both outside the basement and inside. The combined option of waterproofing is the most reliable and effective.
First of all, the entire surface of the external wall is cleaned of dust, grease stains, soil and other small particles. Further, the surface is leveled and primed, and then dried. This is required in order to ensure good adhesion of the insulation to the surface. Do not dry the wall yourself using a building dryer after the primer - everything should be naturally (after a few days you can continue to work). To provide high-quality protection of the basement, it is necessary to create a waterproofing layer from the inside. Here you can choose from several options suitable for repairing basements. The choice of a particular insulation method will depend on the causes of high humidity in the room. In addition, you need to consider the building material from which the walls are built.

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