WePower - renewable energy based on Blockchain

The energy generated from renewable sources is the best kind of energy, because it quickly pays off, reduces CO2 emissions to the atmosphere and is available in almost all countries of the world where there is a lot of sun, wind or water. Fortunately, more and more people understand this.

Even in Russia and Saudi Arabia, that is, in countries where the bulk of GDP is built on oil and gas, many enterprises are forced to adjust to the "green" world trends and reduce the production of natural resources used to generate energy. What can we say about Europe, where mass refuses to use nuclear power plants and strive for energy independence through the construction of power plants that operate on renewable energy sources.

However, not everything is as rosy as we would like, because in the branch of "green" energy there are many problems, the main ones of which are:

  1. Insufficient financing of this sector by large banking and credit organizations. According to the creator, even European banks are in no hurry to finance long-term renewable energy projects, let alone talking about domestic financial and credit organizations. Let's say that the project already has a construction plan, all technical information for the construction of small and medium-sized power plants for the generation of renewable energy at the expense of the natural resources of the sun and wind has been approved, but there is not enough funding, because by law 50% of the costs the company must take from its wallet or from investors not related to state-owned or state-owned banks. Earlier, 80% of the costs of creating a "green" power plant were covered by state credit organizations, but now they invest only 50% in similar projects. And private banks are also in no hurry to give long-term loans to all renewable energy projects.
  2. Demand is great, and there is practically no or very little resources to get renewable energy. Many corporations even plan to build their power plants, as there is not enough resources for generating.
  3. Necessity of submission to the tariff system of the state. Almost all existing decentralized projects that extract and sell renewable energy are compelled to submit to the state and work on a fixed tariff system, so the "green" energy is not that cheap. They have no way out, because of their compulsorily centralized structure they can not sell their energy directly to consumers, bypassing state tariff schemes.
  4. Invest in the "green" energy can not everyone. Even with a strong desire, ordinary people who are not connected with large electricity suppliers or state structures, I can not so easily invest in the energy market. This process is complicated by a number of bureaucratic obstacles and a high threshold for investment. But even if you succeed in becoming an investor in energy by investing in a large fund, then you should not wait for profits for several years, again, because of bureaucratic red tape and agreeing on the issuance of investment profit among the numerous founders of the fund.

How it works?

This means that now ordinary energy consumers can become investors and contribute to the development of the project, receiving in return energy tokens, backed up by the amount of green energy in the ratio of 1 token is equal to 1 kW / h of green energy.

This process was called energy tokenization, designed to simplify the existing ecosystem, helping energy producers directly trade with buyers of renewable energy and simultaneously attracting new investments in their business.

Each power plant, which will join the project, will issue its own token to guarantee a fixed tariff in kilowatt-hours. Return on investment of each token should be approximately 30% per annum. At the same time, there is already an agreement with the producers of "green" energy, and the withdrawal of new operating facilities is planned for the summer of 2018 in Spain.

Potential participants of the platform:

  • Energy producers who lack the means to build new power plants;
  • large corporations interested in obtaining inexpensive "green" energy, without the need to wait for permits from the state;
  • ordinary users who want to support the development of "green" energy and act as investors in new power plants, as well as suppliers of already ready energy.

Advantages for owners of tokens.

The task of the project is to help people to invest not in state organizations or their subordinate companies, but directly into renewable energy. Owners of internal tokens can buy "green" energy at a discount and sell it in the form of tokens. In the future, the platform will unite the ultimate buyers and energy producers. In this case, there will be no intermediaries - users of WePower invest directly in the product of "green" energy. But you can sell it to other users, and on energy exchanges, which will be directly integrated into the WePower platform.

Each new power plant connected to the platform releases a new token, the value of which is measured in kV / h. The platform will not only offer to buy and sell energy, but also plans to physically deliver the purchased energy to the buyer, if necessary, for its direct use only in certain countries (it was not specified exactly which ones until the project agreed only with Spanish power plants).

And what about Russian investors, if the energy from Spain and the European Union is sold only to local companies in the framework of the project? Our compatriots can immediately sell purchased tokens that convert purchased energy on ordinary exchanges. And you can wait 1-2 years before the expiration of the smart contract until the energy grows in price and also sell it. In any case, you buy this energy cheaper than anywhere else, and you can sell more expensive, as many large companies need renewable energy right now. That is, if in your country there is no power plant from WePower, you can not get physically purchased energy, but you can become its supplier, selling the purchased energy to other same investors, and to those countries where new power plants of the project will be built.

In some countries, a token swap will be supported. What does it mean? Let's say you are in England, and bought "green" energy in Spain, where there are power plants of the project. You can exchange the purchased Spanish token for your country's token, and if it also has a power plant that cooperates with the platform, it is also physically obtain energy at home.

Even if you decide to sell energy inside the platform, but at the moment there are no buyers, the smart contract will still be fulfilled, you do not have to wait long, just the energy will be sold not directly to customers, but on the exchange as an energy-supply line.

WePower will allow energy producers to sell their energy through fixed tokens. At the same time, regardless of the marker, each energy source will equal 1 kW / h of renewable energy, which the manufacturer undertakes to generate within a limited time (within 6 months after connecting the station).

Each "green" energy power plant that connects to WePower will be able to organize its own auction to sell its energy through unique tokens with minimum tariffs below the market to create a demand for their energy. It is important that the holders of the WePower (WPR) project tokens will be able to get early access to similar auctions, the distribution of energy-tapes will also depend on the amount of tokens on their account.

Why do we need such auctions? WePower has already connected a Spanish power plant with a capacity of 1,000 MW. We will admit, the smaller project - on 100 MW, with an estimation in 100 million euros will want to be connected. The energy producers for launch are not enough about $ 20 million. Using the WePower service, the energy producer will be able to tokenize the production of "green" energy of $ 20 million with the sale ahead, eventually get the money and start the project, already having a base of solvent investors and end users.

As soon as the energy producer has collected the missing amount, he will build a "green" power plant, connect it to the common WePower system and supply the generated energy to the common network. After that, investors will be able to profit if they have not yet sold the tokens.

How do they plan to earn money?

Power production is one of the most promising and largest world business segments. Approximately 24, 756 TWh is produced all over the world every year. Of these, 24, 756 million MWh is energy derived from renewable sources. The total energy market is $ 1.24 trillion. Annual investments in this sector amount to $ 242 billion. In the near future the market will move almost entirely to energy from renewable sources, with an estimated market value of $ 11.5 trillion.

WePower focuses on both these markets, intending to facilitate investing in renewable energy sources and trading energy. WePower will become the link between energy producers and end-users / users around the world. The capital will be drawn from independent investors and end users. The earnings will be on the commission fee in relation to the amount of invested capital. Also, the platform will allow you to trade the energy you have purchased. Each such transaction will also be subject to a commission.


Even in the Whitepiper, the team indicates that their project has many competitors among the centralized organizations that have long since established the production and marketing of green energy, but these companies have a number of problems listed above, so WePower can easily bypass this competitive niche.

As for the block projects that work with renewable energy, everything is not so clear, and there are quite strong competitors in this area - for example, the Power Ledger project. The difference is that Power Ledger helps to track the unit of electricity from the point of its production (generation) to the point of consumption inside a residential or non-residential building. With the sale of this energy, the block-technology at the expense of smart contracts combines the current transaction with the financial transaction, implementing a safe and simple process of sale. Power Ledger users can also sell their assets when they want, at the most affordable price for them.

However, judging by technical documents, WePower platform will be able to offer a more functional platform, with the possibility of investing not only in green energy, but also in new power plants.

ICO WePower

The terms of the ICO WePower are detailed at the end of the White Paper platform (starting from the 40th page).

In short, now there is already a pre-ICO platform on which tokens can be purchased at a price of 1,250 WPR = 1 ETH. pre-ICO will last until October 20 and at the end of October the public stage of the sale of tokens will begin, the price of which will be from 1,150 WPR to 1,000 WPR, depending on whether the softwares are typed or not at the time of the purchase of the tokens. As a result, you can expect a maximum discount of 25% for participants in the pre-ICO phase.

  • Total volume of tokens emission: 340,000,000 WPR
  • Total for sale: 153,000,000 WPR (45%)
  • For sale on pre-ICO: 34,000,000 WPR (10%)
  • Softbank: 20,400,000 WPR (~ 20,000 ETH or $ 6,000,000)

Token distribution: 30% to the team, 10% to platform development, 10% to future investors (will be available in a year) and 50% of tokens are expected to be distributed during the ICO.

Conclusion: the project is a long-term, rapid return on investment is not expected. In addition, the planned payback of 30% per annum does not look very attractive for people from the world of crypto-currencies and lock-ups, where the success of the project is used to measure not by tens, but by hundreds and thousands of percent.

Nevertheless, if you are an advocate of ecology and contribute to the fight against global warming and help preserve the ecosystem of our planet - the WePower platform may be of interest to you for a more detailed study - I'll be glad to hear your comments.

More info:

WEBSITE: https://wepower.network/

WHITE PAPER: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_OW_EddXO5RWWFVQjJGZXpQT3c/view

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/WePowerN

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/WePowerNetwork

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/WePowerNetwork

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/WePower

My bitcointalk profile:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1389281


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