4 tips remove nervousness in public

Good morning steemian friend

   On this occasion let me for a little chat, well on this occasion I will discuss or give some tips to overcome nervous when speaking in public, because very many people when speaking in public is always blanketed by feeling nervous. therefore I want to share some tips to overcome that.

Source : https://jempolkaki.com/cara-mengatasi-demam-panggung/

   Here are some tips that might help you all who are still nervous when speaking in public:  

1. Master the Material
This is the first tip to overcome fear. Make sure when you will speak in public you already know very well about the issues you will convey. Do not just know, but you must definitely control one hundred percent.

If you are still a beginner, try to talk only to topics or materials that you have mastered. Even if you have to talk to a topic that you have not mastered before. Make sure you still have enough time to learn it.

2. Must be well prepared
Almost never or not there has been a successful speech or presentation without a good preparation.

You need to know a well-trained presenter once made preparations.

Good preparation will have an impact on the strengthening of confidence. So that will deny fear into a courage.

Good preparation will also help you overcome the nervous feeling that may appear before the speech or presentation or the first time standing in front of an audience.

3. Positive Thinking
As I have already explained, fear arises purely because of the excessive concern that arises in a person. For that if you want to overcome fear, you must change the negative thinking that comes into your mind to be positive.

But difficult?

It is not difficult if you master the material and you are also well prepared.

If for example you find it difficult then look back to whether you have really mastered your material, whether you have prepared everything for your speech or presentation.

4. Fight With Action
The intent of the opponent by action is to overcome fear by taking action on what is feared.

Related to public speaking, the action you have to do is to take the opportunity to speak or accept a request to speak.

If your appearance is the first time, it's really thrilling. But if the more chance you talk to do, over time the fear will be reduced. If there are still feelings within you, it's generally not a feeling of fear but a nervous feeling.

That's a little tips from me, may be useful for the steemian friends.

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