BirdsEye not BullsEye

BirdsEye not BullsEye 

1. Caesar Marcus Aurelius  2. Maximus  3. Arminius 

Meditations Gnostic Mystic Earth Magick Tribe 8 8 

Past is connected to the Future 

Cherusci Perspective Arminius  

Anchor Perspective Maximus and Caesar  

What is a War in Time? What would it look like?  

The Here and Now is all that matters and is Real. 

Feminine Passive Gift 

Masculine Active Present 

What is a Renaissance? 

It can only be performed in the moment. No such things as Paradox’s.  Infinite Possibilities so choose wisely. Time measures motion (Fi) with a constant (Pi).     

Remote Viewing Time Management 

What is Time? 

Trinity (Three Entities) aka Triangulation (Three Angles/Angels) 

1. Perspective EYE 

2. Experience HEART 

3. Knowledge GUT 

Act Ion ReAct Ion Light is transparent and all sides revealed. Perspective is Force born from electricity. Knowledge is Power born from Magnetism. Experience is… ? born from ? KEY 

Consensus: Movement and moment seen from base 3 or greater.  Add Encryption and Privacy becomes outer layer of Protection. Biology calls it Cell Wall.  Is Biology really about Competition or about Synergy?  

I’ll see you in time…        

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