Remote Viewing the Dark Side of the Moon - Part I

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the 23rd letter in the Greek alphabet and the first letter in the Greek word psyche , meaning of the mind and soul, is also a term which is prevalent in the realm of parapsychology.

For parapsychologists, the term PSI commonly refers to all psychic phenomena, events or experiences relating to circumstances that cannot be explained by established physical principles.

For phenomena to qualify as psychic, an experience must encompass interactions that go beyond our usual sensory exchanges with our environment. This means experiences outside of verbal/nonverbal communication, bodily movements, the five senses and even more subtle subliminal forms of perception or action.

PSI comes in various forms; extra-sensory perception (ESP), clairvoyance, precognition and astral-projection. International intelligence agencies such as the CIA, KGB and MI6 have researched, experimented with and employed elements of PSI for decades for nearly half a century.

Psychic Spies

Author @neilstrauss recently blessed Steemit with an article on Remote Viewing stating that it was the only piece of his to be rejected by his editors. Based on personal interviews with physicist and former CIA operative Russell Targ, we're given a glimpse into the secret world of psychic espionage and warfare.

Recommended reading - I was a Psychic Spy for the CIA and I Found God

Upon meeting, Targ encourages Strauss to test out his own psychic powers by attempting to guess an object in his pocket. To Strauss' astonishment he does just that, describing the abnormal object to a 'T'. Targ explains that there’s ‘no secret’ – rather psychic ability is something that we all possess.

Anyone can do it. They just need to know how.

Many compare remote Viewing to playing guitar: with proper teaching, just about any human being with hands can learn to play a few songs. But only someone born with a natural talent and aptitude for the instrument can become a master musician like Paco de Lucia or Jimi Hendrix.

While the article is superbly written and a hugely entertaining piece exploring Russell Targ's involvement in CIA research into PSI phenomena, there's much more to tell about the origins of Remote Viewing and psychic warfare.

The following article focuses on another gifted psychic and Remote Viewer, Ingo Swann, often referred to as the 'grandfather of remote viewing'. He participated in the earliest known psychic experiments conducted at the Stanford Research Institute alongside Targ.

>>> Reminder - There are some PDF links in this post and links to official CIA webpages so please take any necessary precautions. Hyper links directly to documents are indicated with 'PDF' <<<


In 2008, CIA documents related to Remote Viewing and Project Stargate were declassified and made public. Together with several other CIA releases in conjunction with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), these documents are a fascinating collection of real life psychic experimentation and achievement.

Source - CIA FOIA / Stargate Library

Remote Viewing

In order to define Remote Viewing, it’s perhaps best to differentiate the practice from other PSI phenomenon. According to the United States Air Force,

Psychic research includes such phenomena as telepathy (mind-to-mind communication), precognition (knowledge of future events), dowsing (clairvoyant ability to find water, minerals and so on, by means beyond known sensory or perceptual faculties),

remote viewing or out-of-body experiences (seeing locations, objects or events shielded from ordinary perception is a spatial location separate from one’s physical body)

and psychokinesis (movement of matter by mental means without using any known physical forces).

CIA/USAF Psychic Warfare Link


Remote Viewers, people who have the ability to travel to distant locations in their minds, began testing their skills in experiments conducted in Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in the early 1970s. The earliest recorded experiments conducted by the CIA involved Russell Targ, Harold Puthoff, Ingo Swann, Pat Price and Harold Sherman at the SRI.

Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff

Remote Viewing Jupiter


!WARNING PDF! - NSA/CIA declassified documentation - PDF - !PDF WARNING!

This document, released in 2008, highlights Remote Viewing (RV) experiments with Ingo Swann and Harold Sherman.

In this 1972 experiment, the Remote Viewers (psychics) Ingo Swann and Harold Sherman were tasked with Remote Viewing the planet Jupiter. At this point in human history, Jupiter had yet to be visited by NASA’s Pioneer 10 satellite and information about the gas giant was significantly limited.

Launched on March 2nd, 1972, Pioneer 10 was well on its way to making its historic fly-by of Jupiter sometime in late 1973. Sister Satellite Pioneer 11 probe would reach Jupiter in the spring of 1974.

This meant Jupiter was an ideal location to experiment with Remote Viewing because details regarding the composition of the gas giant would only be known the following year when NASA would receive raw data from Pioneer's transmissions. Therefore, any foreknowledge by Sherman or Swann was impossible.

The CIA describes the experiment as a way:

“to carry forward the possible verity of the psychic nature of men”

The Sherman Swann Psychic Probing of The Planet Jupiter

The Remote Viewing of Jupiter occurred in 1972 at the SRI was funded by the Central Intelligence Agency. The project was led by Dr. Harold Puthoff. Sherman and Swann conducted separate but simultaneous viewings from different cities and had no contact with one another during the process.

CIA doc images comparing Sherman and Swann's Remote Viewing





Recap Descriptions of Jupiter by Sherman and Swann

  • yellow, orange and red coloration
  • gas, gaseous atmosphere
  • thick atmosphere,
  • storms / tornados,
  • high winds
  • cold temperatures,
  • water / liquid
  • ice / crystals
  • planetary rings

In the years and decades that followed the experiment, many of the observations made by Swann and Sherman proved to be extremely accurate.

Here’s how Ingo Swann described the comparison of the RVed observations to NASA’s raw data drawn in subsequent decades from multiple NASA missions including Pioneer and Voyager. The comparisons appear in his 1998 book Penetration.

Raw data factors and confirmation dates

  • Existence of a hydrogen mantle – 1973 & 1975
  • Storms/Wind (dimensions and unexpected intensities) – 1976
  • Something like a tornado (strong rotating cyclones) – 1976
  • High Infrared reading – 1974
  • Temperature Inversion – 1974
  • Cloud color and configuration – 1979
  • Dominant orange color – 1979
  • Water/Ice crystals in atmosphere – 1975
  • Crystal bands reflect radio probes – 1975
  • Magnetic and electromagnetic auroras (‘rainbows’) – 1975
  • Planetary RING inside the atmosphere – 1979
  • Liquid composition (liquid hydrogen) – 1973 & 1976
  • Near invisible RING surrounding the planet (Galileo Orbiter)– 1988-1994

Remote Viewing showed that the planet Jupiter had faint rings like those of its neighbor Saturn. Astronomers scoffed at this claim; Carl Sagan called it “ridiculous.” Nine years later, Voyager 1 sent back pictures of the Jovian rings.

Our Current Knowledge of Jupiter


  • Composed of mostly hydrogen and helium
  • Deep in the atmosphere, pressure and temps increase, compressing hydrogen into liquid
  • Jupiter has largest ocean in the solar system – an ocean of hydrogen
  • Unclear if Jupiter has a solid core or a dense, extremely hot soup


  • Jupiter doesn’t have an actual surface
  • The planet is swirling gases and liquids


  • Multiple colorful cloud layers
  • Likely has 3 skies (cloud layers)
  • Upper layer is probably made of ammonia ice
  • Middle layer is likely ammonium hydrosulfide crystals
  • The lower layer may be made of water ice and vapor.
  • The varicolored atmosphere may be the result of rising plumes of sulfur and phosphorus rising from the warmer interiors of the planet.
  • Planet’s fast rotation (10hrs) generates powerful jet streams
  • Prevailing winds reach speeds of 540km/hr
  • With an absence of a solid surface to slow the winds, storms rage for years.
  • Great Red Spot has been observed from Earth for over 300yrs.

    NASA link

The accuracy of the RV observations is nothing short of remarkable.

At their closest, Jupiter and Earth are over 600 million kilometers apart.
Swann and Sherman were able to describe in great detail characteristics of the gas planet not yet known to science. Observations that were initially ridiculed had turned out to be of uncanny precision.

Secret Soviet Bases

The results from the Jupiter RV helped to convince the CIA that psychic phenomenon was an area that required further investigation. Moreover, the alphabet agencies were extremely concerned that their Soviet counterparts were already light years ahead in PSI research. These sentiments are only partially true, however. Though the Soviets had indeed been exploring the world of parapsychology taking a more open minded approach to possible PSI applications in the real world, the Cold War paranoia of the time period certainly contributed to an exaggerated fear of Russian Psi capabilities.

As a result, the CIA began investing more time, money and resources into PSI research. As Russell Targ explains;

We had more scientific acceptance at that time because we had more money. The CIA spent $25 million on us. We had a lot of respectability, but by and large the public didn’t know what was going on.


Despite the varied results by American government agencies, some experiments were proving to be very promising. Remote Viewing and psychic espionage, in particular, often produced encouraging results.

From 1972-1974, another gifted RVer by the name of Pat Price was also impressing his CIA supervisors. CIA documents disclose that Price was able to provide an elaborate description of a clandestine Soviet installation located in the Ural mountains. The amount of detail included in Price's viewing was astounding.


CIA RDP96 00789R001001420001 3.TIF   CIA RDP96 00789R001001420001 3.pdf.png

Meanwhile, while sometimes being wildly off target Ingo Swann continued to impress with his ability to locate ‘instruments’ behind double steel walls. In yet another experiment, Swann disclosed the whereabouts of a previously unknown Soviet base describing the nature of the personnel and rail lines coming to and from the area. The existence of the base was later verified by US spy satellites.

A DYNAMIC PK EXPERIMENT WITH INGO SWANN   CIA RDP96 00787R000200130005 3.pdf(1).png

A DYNAMIC PK EXPERIMENT WITH INGO SWANN   CIA RDP96 00787R000200130005 3.pdf.png

Psychic Weaponry


In addition to the advances in psychic espionage,
a growing awareness of PSI viability came into focus.
According to the 1988 USAF report a new realization was taking
hold among certain factions of the US military of:

‘the tremendous potential threat of psychotronics as an instrument of power.’

Both the CIA and KGB were keen to explored a wide variety
of possibilities related to the weaponization of PSI.
Inevitably as _remote viewing expanded into the realm of espionage other,
more deadly, research involving psychic experimentation were also in development.

In a 63-page report by Lieutenant Colonel Donald M. McKelvy
for the United States Air Force (USAF), the author states:

The mind is rich in unfathomed resources ripe for exploration, a limitless source of treasures for advancing all mankind, and a serious threat to those who ignore its potential.

PSI offers an almost endless array of possibilities for military applications.

  • Intelligence
  • Espionage
  • Personnel
  • Communications
  • Electronic Equipment
  • Weapons (electro-magnetic, psychotronics)

Harnessing psychic powers to attack the human body was a focus of an unspecified number of research projects with varying degrees of success. Certain gifted participants were capable of inflicting serious harm with psychokinesis. Small animals were used in certain experiments where the cardiovascular systems were psychically targeted.

CIA RDP96 00789R001001420001 3.TIF   CIA RDP96 00789R001001420001 3.pdf(3).png

CIA RDP96 00789R001001420001 3.TIF   CIA RDP96 00789R001001420001 3.pdf(4).png

It's unclear if any similar trials involving human subjects as targets of psychic attacks were ever administered.

Nevertheless, CIA document goes into significant detail on the possible uses of PSI and psychic warfare.
Here's a passage outlining some of the possible avenues for future research, applications for psychic weapons and the possible dangers connected to their development.


There’s a lot of food for thought here and while much of it still seems like science fiction or something out of the X-men, the achievements described above should not be overlooked.

You’ll remember Russell Targ’s statement that the ability resides in all of us.
The implications are frightening but just like MAD (mutually assured destruction) if we were all endowed with such powers then there maybe no need for conventional weapons.

CIA RDP96 00789R001001420001 3.TIF   CIA RDP96 00789R001001420001 3.pdf.png

More importantly, is the question of how could these powers be used for the benefit of humankind for; enlightenment, knowledge, empowerment, consciousness, empathy, compassion, ascension, healing and peace?

Overlooking PSI Research

Throughout the USAF report, there are references to an anti-PSI ‘mind’set’ that permeates western society. Notably, the established scientific community’s derision of research in this field prevents serious enquiry and consequently limits progress and funding for such projects.

This passage may shed some light as to why serious scientific studies are shunned in the West.


This would suggest that those in the military and intelligence industrial complex prefer technological solutions in the physical world where financial profits are guaranteed. The integration of PSI/parapsychology research and applications threaten to cut into industry profits and are therefore deemed unfavorable.

Remote Viewing the Dark Side of the Moon

In part II, we'll explore the claims of Ingo Swann who says he collaborated with an unnamed shadow agency of the US government in a super-secret experiment - Remote Viewing the Dark Side of the Moon. These claims come from Swann himself in his book Penetration and are not supported by CIA or any other official documentation from the US government.

Additional Sources



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