Unknown Danger


I love crypto, and I wish I had a lot to offer other people about it but I don’t. My real world job is remodeling, so I do have lots of tips, tricks, and advise for home owners. Here is my first tip

This time of year a lot of people are staining or re-staining decks, furniture, picnic tables, etc etc, but here is the deal, most people don’t realized that leaving a rag they used to stain with bunched up or in a pile or in the House is a major problem and a big no no. Rags with stain on them can spontaneously combust, it happens all of time burning people’s houses down. When you are done staining take the rags outside away from the house lay them flat to dry out and once they are all dry throw them away. Don’t risk the fire possibility.

Take care and be safe!!!


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