The History and Current Status of Ancient Giants

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The History and Current Status of Ancient Giants

If you are a Christian of any sort or a real Believer, you should know about giants. I am no expert but i know some who are. If you are interested i will put you in touch with them. They are so popular they will likely never respond to you but at least you can see what they teach.

Before the beginning, before mankind was created in the Garden, Lucifer, an "archangel" or Master Messenger, rebelled and convinced 33% of the of the Messengers of Yah (angels) to go with him in this rebellion. Their reason was pride. Lucifer and his minions actually believed they could do a better job ruling creation. Lucifer stated that he intend to mount the Throne of Yahweh and murder Him. He had every intention of ruling the Earth and the Heavens from the very Throne of Yahweh. His followers all believe he can do it to this very day. Why?

They are proud and confident in their ability to wage a millennia long war to achieve their goals. Humans currently only live around 120 years max, thankfully. The fallen are older than Earth itself. They are vastly superior to humanity in intelligence and physical power. Only 2 messengers of Yahweh destroyed the multi-city complex of Sodom and Gomorrah. My guess is they were used as mop up because the Scriptures state Yahweh actually hurled down the fire and brimstone (lava with large stones and blazing sulfur chunks). They believe they can defeat Yahweh with scalar/spiritual weapons and by destroying His creation. This is Satan's wrath on humans and mankind.

When 70 of the most rebellious fallen messengers, called Watchers, came to Earth long ago, they taught humans warfare in all its aspects. They taught women about makeup and jewelry and gave them the first hardcore pride in their appearances. They taught all manner of rebellion to my Father's Laws and His Kingdom. They MATED with human women creating the first generation of GIANTS which were massive and known as the Titans in Greek mythology. These were the first Nephilim half-breeds. They are totally irredeemable and without any hope of salvation, just as their fathers.

After humans defeated the titans, many years went by and the Nephilim had a another resurgence like the evil cockroaches they are. All of the thoughts and intents of humanity were evil continuously and great harm was being done daily by this infestation of Nephilim. ALL flesh, both human and animal had become genetically and spiritually corrupted. ALL of it save Noah and his wife and his sons. The son's wives were still corrupted in their DNA and spirits but there was no other choice.

Yahweh would have to deal with this Nephilim corruption and infestation AGAIN, after the Flood and He knew it. Yahweh decided it was time to end all flesh with the Flood. Noah and the animals on the Ark were Yahweh's plan to preserve the best of humanity and the animals. The DEAD Nephilim spirits are DEMONS. They cannot ever be redeemed. They hate you. They really hate Believers operating in the Image of their Father. Of course they hate our Father in Heaven and His Son, Who defeated them. They also fear being without a body because it it torture for them.

FYI, Noah was not a JEW. The Covenant with Father Abraham was not given yet. Somehow, Noah knew to include SEVEN of each CLEAN animal on the Ark. How did he know this if that were a JEWISH invention? It is not. It is part of Yahweh's Laws which will stand until both the Earth and the Heavens are destroyed by fire at the end of my Master's 1000 year Reign on Earth. Learn that fact at least please!

When Yahweh's people were freed from Egypt (sin), they were also rebellious, complaining, and sinful right from the start. This is why they were cursed to wander in the wilderness for 40 years until all of the adults (including Moses) who left Egypt (save ONLY 2) were DEAD. That is everyone who left over the age of 20. Their lifespan was shortened and they died in the wideness. There are several lessons there. Read the Book of Hebrews.

The Promised Land of Canaan was INFESTED with Nephilim... AGAIN. The Hebrew spies said so and they ended up battling them for many years. David slew Goliath, who was a Nephilim GIANT, a nasty, irredeemable creature with super intelligence and strength. The Nephilim did not have the numbers to survive the human onslaught and were eventually all wiped out. Their disembodied evil spirits are the DEMONS Yahushua, my Master dealt with, and i also deal with occasionally. The disobedience of the Hebrews can be read about during this time. It is a lesson for Believers NOT TO FOLLOW.

Yah's children were always punished and ultimately DIVORCED from Yahweh for unbelief and idolatry. Idolatry is more than you have been told by your hireling church humans. They have failed you badly in this regard and i suggest you read all about that word to ensure YOU are not guilty of idolatry. My Father will not be mocked and allow anyone get away with it. He is my real Avenger and He can be yours as well. Strive for the perfection of walking in His perfect will. He WANTS to be your Teacher!

So far, when my Father destroys large populations, He has done so with water and fire. The last destruction of Earth will be by fire (brimstone) AND large waves from the seas AND massive earthquakes. He says at the very end, the elements themselves will MELT with FERVENT HEAT. He says the Heavens will be rolled up like a scroll. Now, WAY before this event, the stars will all fall to Earth and the sun and moon will not giver their light.

If you do not believe any of this will happen, the rest of this article will also not interest you and you can stop reading now. I write this with the intention of warning both Christians and all spiritual people. You have believed SOME truth and a lot of man-made LIES. You are a truth seeker and that is commendable to me as a man, but not to our Father in Heaven. He only speaks to the innocent or the simple. That means, if you hear Him, you are simple AND have ADMITTED as much to Yahweh. I know you are not innocent. He only answers those who obey Him and FEAR HIS NAME. If your prayers go unanswered, i know why. ...sermon over.

I spoke of both the past and the future so far... both true. Now i will tell you what is happening now and how it still relates to ancient giants. Right now, the War for Heaven is ongoing. The Kingdom of Yahweh will win this war but we do not know if the victory will be tomorrow or 40 years from now. Once the victory in Heaven is secured, Earth will become hell. Why?

Because once they are kicked out of the Heavens, they can only reside on our plane... on Earth. They HATE mankind and control humanity. There is a difference between mankind and humanity but i have spoken of that in previous articles. On the very day they are cast out of the Heavens, the Night of 1000 screams will happen. Think the worst zombie apocalypse movie you have ever seen times 100. This fury of the birth of Satan's physical kingdom on Earth will proceed for only weeks. Then the big war will happen effecting all of Earth.

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At this same time, Christians will fall away en-mass. I have spoken of this at length elsewhere. EX-Christians will be very useful to the anti-Messiah because they will operate WITH THEIR OWN WILL in service to him. They will become the primary Believer Hunters. They will heavily persecute, torture, and murder all the real Believers they can find... at great personal reward from the anti-messiah government.

And now to the DIRECT relationship with the past. The grey "aliens" you all know about are clone bodies made specifically to house demons. Each "body" can likely house several in a hierarchy of control. These will be used as shock troops. The evil side will also release actual GIANTS to war against the Believers and to punish the human slaves of evil. All of these creatures and more (think T-Rex on a massive leash) will be occupied by demons. The fallen messengers or aliens will still be battling the Set-Apart Messengers protecting the Children and Family of Yahweh STILL on Earth. There is no "rapture".

With the devastation caused by tidal waves, tsunamis, earthquakes and almost every volcano (including the Yellowstone Caldera) erupting on a scale never witnessed by humans in history is over, THEN the War will begin and the hell on Earth will intensify. This is all just a PRECURSOR to the Wrath of my Father in Heaven, which has not even begun yet.

I say all this to warn you that men's hearts will fail them for the things happening on Earth in the future. Christians WILL fall away. If you have a hireling pastor, preacher, or priest and they are not teaching you how to survive and battle during this time, you are not in a real congregation of Yahweh. Your hireling "leader" will flee and will not help you. This is primarily a spiritual war right now. It will become physical and most of humanity will die. Only real Believers have any chance to survive this Great Tribulation and they will be RARE. They will be hunted. They will be protected.


ALL of those confessing Christianity who have enough faith to make it to this point WILL LOSE THEIR HEADS. ALL of them. This is NOT a good time to be a normal, lukewarm, Christian. This is the time to repent and get in the battles happening all around you, yet you are mostly unaware and ill prepared. If you stay like this, you will not even make it to the beheading phase. You must stop listening to MEN! Do not listen to me. Instead go read your Bible and ask the Father in Heaven to be your Teacher. Those who OBEY my Father LOVE Him. The rest are all pretenders or are deceived.

Become a GIANT KILLER today!


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