Bible Prophesy is Accurate

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Accurate prophesy is the hallmark of the Hebrew Scriptures most call The Bible. We can disagree on its cannon. We can disagree on its interpretations. I find it difficult to even speak intelligently with anyone who denies all the fulfilled prophesy SO FAR. These people are the same ones who trust and fear government, believe NASA lies and think 2 aircraft knocked down THREE buildings with burning jet fuel! People who deny in-your-face evidence are too far gone for me to worry about. They are happy slaves, serving a dark master, and know it not.

I do comprehend that faith is faith for a reason. Do you comprehend the concept of the “preponderance of evidence”? Have you looked for evidence that goes AGAINST what you believe? Are you in a HABIT of doing this revolutionary act: questioning EVERYTHING? Those who deny concepts without any actual investigation are GOATS... NOT SHEEP. Goats fall for WOLF lies and they follow the wolves and defend the wolf agenda: to control and destroy all sheep. The sheep have a Shepherd and they follow His Voice. Do not believe that what you currently know of Christianity is accurate.

Why? Because it has been a nearly exclusive bailiwick of sociopaths and charlatans for CENTURIES! Christianity was invented by Roman Catholics. So was Islam. The Christian faith has no love and no power for a very specific reason: they teach and walk in LAWLESSNESS. Those FEW who come out of the lawlessness of Christianity and embrace the FAITH once delivered to the SAINTS, begin to walk in real love and real power. They FOLLOW the Hebrew Messiah Yahushua and Follow His Word: His Father's Commands. This world is not worthy to clean their feet. Yet they will suffer and die for you if you ask them in person.

This is the REAL FAITH: it is a belief in the Kingdom of Yahweh, His Laws, His Son, Yahushua's Gift in the flesh, and His Son's soon return to gather His BRIDE.

There is something in human nature to a self-fulfilling prophesy for sure and everything repeats... including history. People never learn from history because real history is hidden from them. People are the real commodity on Earth and their souls the real currency. Governments of evil humans are set up to help harvest both for the dark kingdom while never allowing the CATTLE to even know they are on a FARM. Try leaving your FARM without permission or visiting another. Try doing ANYTHING of inherent value without permission from your masters. You are not free and you never have been.

Your only real option is to opt for a Better Master... a Kinsman Redeemer. This option is there because of the overwhelming love and power of the Kingdom of Yahweh. You have the right to choose CONSCIOUSLY instead of being in the darkness by DEFAULT. We all get to choose our primary path if we want. This is a binary system, a binary Creation. Choose wisely. The default is darkness and the adversary owns the "fence".

When Damascus is destroyed and a seven year peace treaty between Israel and her Arab neighbors happens, ask me how i knew it would happen before hand. ...If you have time. The prophesies are in the Word for your edification and to build your FAITH while it still counts for something. Once faith ends as a means to join the Kingdom of Light, ONLY obedience will allow new members. Those who refused faith will not have a second chance once the Door of FAITH is closed.

If you believe in ancient aliens and that they are the cause of the disappearances, you will be a part of the problem and curse. i tell you this AHEAD of time so that you may have faith there is only one Book on Earth with ACCURATE prophesy in it... the Bible.

Once the door of the Ark of Faith is closed it will remain closed forever. You need to get in before the first drop of rain falls! I do hope you make it!

-Galt's Ghost
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