Who have you brought to Him?


"Truly, truly. I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit". John 12: 24.

Before going into details of the above passage, it is pertinent to acknowledge and celebrate the person of Apostle Philip, a renowned faithful messenger of Christ. In two remarkable places in scriptures, we see him dutifully playing his role as a messenger of Christ, introducing people to Christ to ensure their salvation.

In the Gospel reading taken from John 12:20-33, Philip as a messenger of Christ, dutifully led the Greeks to Jesus Christ. He allowed himself to be used as the instrument, the middle man, the connective drive between sinners, seeking to be saved and Christ, theor hope of redemptin

He did not stop there, the story of the conversion of the Ethopian Eunuch in Acts 8: 26- 40 cannot be complete without giving credence to our dear Philip. He took his time to joyously explain Christ to the confused Eunuch and btought him home.
Uncle, who have you brought to the faih, you were saved to save others. What are you doing with your time?

Many a time, i hear believers say, " I am shy and i am not used to talking to people" " I am scared of being turned down". Aunty, be like Apostle Paul who is NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL( Romans 1:16).
It is synonymous to being ashamed of your earthly father and refusing to obey him, flagrantly flouting His rules.

We have been given a heavenly mandate- " Go unto the world and make disciples of all nations (Mark 16: 15).
What are you waiting for? No man lives forever. Ngwa , move woth the speed of light!

This brings me to the first scripture, which transcends to the fact that except one dies to self, dies to the world, dies to selfish ego, dies to things of the flesh.....no fruit can be borne, asin NO FRUIT!


Written thoughts....#legallyactive

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