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Is the Golden Rule valid?

The Golden Rule says, according to Wikipedia:

The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one's self would wish to be treated.

Hell no!

The Golden Rule is a source of conflict. My favourite example is: If you would like to be forced to have sex with that woman, you should force them to have sex with you, because this is what you want!

An example I encounter very often is such: Many people in my city do not mind being around smokers. They embrace it. They think, therefore, that they should expose me to cigarette smoke, because they want to be exposed to it!

Another common example: If you want to live in a country in which everybody follows your religion, then all people should be forced to follow it. After all, when you don't mind it, why would they?

Since when you are the compass of morality, and are allowed to do to others everything that serves you?

Counter example

I used to study briefly Nonviolent Communication, which deserves another article.

I think that NVC actually teaches not to assume that everybody wants to be treated the way you want to be treated, but instead NVC gives tools to gauge what your peer wants, and estimating whether it is compatible with your own goals, and whether you want to fulfil it.

What it means for me

I am only beginning to learn how to find out what other people want, as opposed to what I would want if I were them.

Recently I had a discussion, lasting several days, with a Steemian who promoted science on their channel.

I am assuming the Earth is round, because this is the way I would build it. If I wanted to calculate a future position of a planet, I would fall back to round Earth model, but I don't need it other than that.

At the same time, I don't know what my opponent's reasoning is, but I think they assume that the Earth must be round, because it helps them to predict position in the sky of planets, as well as man made objects. They do not care at all whether the Earth has a purpose, they only care whether it can be described by science with a mathematical precision.

If you want to see a similar argument, the maker of this video attended flat Earth conferences in order to impartially portray in the video the reasoning of flat-Earthers, but without personally taking either stance.

Further steps

I want to further learn how to abandon the Golden Rule and do what is more appropriate.

Eventually I want to run in my city workshops at which people can talk about their needs and wants, as opposed to assuming that everybody wants the same as they.

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