Catholics vs Evangelicals or Protestants: The origin.

Hello steemers ... Today I bring you an article with some history, and it is about the two strongest religions of today. I hope you like it.

This article shows a point of view without religious favoritism and only briefly explains the birth of these religions and the differences that exist between them. I apologize if for some reason someone feels offended is not the intention of the text.

Since time immemorial, religion has played an important role in the history of humanity and its influence has led to shape today's society. Their customs and even their laws have their principles based on religion prevailing in the region or country.
Today there are many religions that we can count between East and West, and there are even religions based on other religions each claiming to be the only and true.

The Catholic religion has been the largest religion in the world since the end of the Roman Empire. They were conceived under the power of Emperor Constantine, who needed to maintain control of their territories in which religions or beliefs were very different and therefore there were always problems between them.



The solution was quite simple, to create a new religion and proclaim it as the only and true throughout the Roman territory and in short is how born the Catholic religion as we know it today.

This religion quickly spread throughout the European continent and with the passage of time even after the fall of the Roman empire it became not only but in the most important in Europe.

The colonization of America was an important impulse for the catholic religion because it took it to a new territory where the natives still practiced their old religious customs and were forced to understand these new practices and that this became their main religion, this happened in all the American continent and since then the Catholic Church had the religious domain in Europe and America, later the Australian continent was added to it.



Although this was taken to the Asian territory, it was not welcomed among its inhabitants Japan and China had a very strongly constituted belief and the foreign religion considers a taboo with the death penalty to those who practice it.

On October 31, 1517, the German friar Martin Luther, exposed to the world the famous 95 theses of Luther where he exposes the Catholic Church as a rigid organization, poorly constituted and that also contradicts itself and the scriptures. This resulted in endless debates in the entire Catholic community of the world and even managed to divide it and opened a door to a new form of religion: Protestant or evangelical.



The protestant or evangelical religion. Like the catholic you have your bases in Christianity and your only sacred book is the bible. This has more open practices than Catholic, because not being so rigid is more open to interpretation. Besides that it does not have a unique structure but it varies ... We do not speak of a single institution but of many and each one with different norms and beliefs.

We can say that today the Protestant church has grown a lot worldwide and there are even those who affirm that it is the church with the most followers in the whole world from the East to the West, however those numbers have not yet been duly confirmed.

Since the first Protestant institutions, there have been great conflicts between this and the Catholic Church, each claiming to be the only and true. Words like heresy are common among the crossword between these, Until a huge media campaign against the Protestants was carried out.

At the end of the 90s the diversity of Protestant institutions put the Vatican on alert, losing much of Latin America and the United States. For the first time a religion equaled land with the Vatican in terms of followers, even China and Korea have huge communities of Protestants finding in South Korea the largest evangelical Christian church in the world Located on the island of Yoido, metropolitan Seoul, capital of South Korea, with nearly 800,000 members.

Nowadays, it is common to observe how the members of one church view others in a contemptuous way, as would fans of rival soccer teams.

What will be the way to follow rigidity or interpretation?
Which will have the best bases and foundations?
What will be the biggest church?

I suppose I would have to give weight to Luther, everything will be to our interpretation.

Dear readers, thank you very much for your time, I would like to know your point of view on these religions ...

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