Christian trail

Benchmark: Mercy for your Marital Journey!

"So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy." Romans 9:16, KJV

Every man, whether in the Bible days or in our days, who has ever achieved something great under God is a product of mercy. Most times, it is not because such men pray, fast, give or what have you, those are needed for our journey in life. But, I have also found that, it is because God has decided to show them mercy. No one can achieve what God has ordained for his or her life by merit; it must be by the mercies of God. In fact, if you would make it to heaven at the end, you must receive mercy of the Lord. In the same manner, for the fulfillment of your marital journey, you need to obtain the mercy of God. As we have seen in the Word of God, everything in our lives largely depends on mercy.

Have you noticed that the most beautiful girls that you know are never married? They have all that could be desired of a woman - they speak good English, dress so cutely and are well cultured, yet they remain unmarried. The main reason is, they have not obtained mercy. I wish our single sisters of marriageable age would know that beauty and cuteness are not enough to being settled in their marriages; they need to obtain mercy. Again, have you wondered why marriages, where everything needed were available, but still they failed? Simply, they lack the mercy of God to sustain those marriages. What you need in life and for your marriage, is not necessarily money, but mercy. Mercy makes you to operate beyond your actual capacity.

Hear is the message: The success of your marriage is not by going to men for counsel; it is by going to God, the Author of marriage, to obtain His mercies first (Isaiah 55:3-5). Unless God shows mercy on you, your best efforts will look foolish. If you have done all you could as a woman to make your marriage work, but things rather get worse; please try mercy, cry for mercy. Mercy surpasses merit! Truth is, it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. Your pastor might have taught you the 150 principles to enjoying marriage, but how many of those principles do you call to mind when you are faced with marital challenges? Please cry out to God, like the Blind Bartimaeus, for mercy.

One of the things that God made us to realise early enough in our marriage, which since has formed the bulk of our prayers is: Mercy is better than money, grace is better than gold! Since then, we rarely conclude each family altar without specifically pleading for mercy, for our journey. We have settled it long ago, that for our marriage to succeed, we need God's mercies, from one layer to another. We realised that if we obtained mercies of God, coming to us in consignment, we will never be at the mercy of any man, even of a man of God. See, when you have obtained mercies, which are new every morning, in your home, things will happen effortlessly. When God decides to have mercy on you, He breaks boundaries around you and makes you operate above your resources.

Note that at the Mercy Seat, your marital case was long settled; you only have to come nigh. No force is strong enough to frustrate your marital relationship. And so, by the Word of God, I declare that, in mercy, your glory is restored and your marital destiny is healed. May the God of mercies disappoint all the earnest expectations of the enemies of your marriage. I decree that your dashed hope is renewed. Mercy will speak for you and make your home the benchmark for others. Those good things you have laboured hard to get and you couldn't; mercy shall bring them to your doorstep. By mercy, you will recover the lost joy, love and peace of your marriage. Please always bear this benchmark in mind: "So then, everything depends, not on what human beings want or do, but only on God's mercy." (Rom. 9:16, GNB) Great things shall soon be heard of your marriage. Shalom!

(Paul Pius - July 2, 2017; 4:16am)

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