Is There Any Relation Between Terrorism And Religions??


The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

This is the dictionary meaning of Terrorism.

What is terrorism nowadays? Some people gather and started talking rubbish. And One of them chosen as leader. And from there terrorism starts. That leader brainwashed those hypocrites.

War And Peace In Islam:

The Islamic relationship between individuals and nations is one of peace. War is a contingency that becomes necessary at certain times and under certain conditions. Muslims learn from the Qur'an that God's objective in creating the human race in different communities was that they should relate to each other peacefully (Quran 49:13).1


War And PeaceIn Christianity:

The Bible says that God has established government and government is endued with God's authority to protect its citizens and punish those who terrorize them.
The Bible teaches that vengeance belongs to God because only He knows perfectly the hearts of men and only He can temper vengeance and justice.


War And Peace In Buddhism:

If you, Rahula, are desirous of doing a deed with the body, you should reflect on the deed with the body, thus: That deed which I am desirous of doing with the body is a deed of the body that might conduce to the harm of self and that might conduce to the harm of others and that might conduce to the harm of both; this deed of body is unskilled (akusala), its yield is anguish, its result is anguish


There are other religions. And in all religions, we get the same message, a message of love, not war nor terrorism. Terrorism is another religion, religion of those people who did not believe in peace. Who accompany Satan to promote his Project.
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