It is not likely that a church will grow or decline for one reason takes a combination of factors (what we call the growth mix)to cause church growth the simplest concept in church growth is this; No visitors-no growth! The most influential thing in the growth mix of a church is the friendship factor if a person does not perceive they have made seven friends in the first year ,it is unlikely they will be there at the end of the second year healthy churches will grow through evangelism and effective small groups this is where discipleship and friendship will take place.  The healthy ratio for evangelism is fifty percent of new members should join by conversion the most important thing we can do to grow our churches is to develop an evangelistic strategy, which will include training and an action plan such as organized weekly visitation statistics show church guests that are contacted within thirty-six hours after their first visit to church a sixty percent chance of returning to your church, while those that are contacted at the end of the week have just a fifteen percent chance of contact at all is not a very effective strategy Jesus made our call very clear when it comes to the issue of matter what one thinks the purpose of the church is,the most important thing a church can do is intentional evangelism. Among growing churches fifty-eight percent have a regular training program and seventy-five percent have weekly is true that some plateaued and declining churches also have these ministries, but the key is effectiveness just because you have certain ministry in your church, it is not automatic that it will be the most effect you have. The most influential component of a church growth mix is the friendship factor. the effectiveness of visitation is cut in half when a paid staff member does it, because the perception is the staff is being paid to make visits pastors should still make visits as well but when ordinary members make those visits, it is an act of wanting to be friends. when we look at the growth mix of a church, we use church growth ratios to determine and weaknesses of the church the assimilation strategy can be determined by looking at the visitors retention ratios for the first time are as follows: Ø Declining churches will see 12% or less of their first time guest join the church Ø Slightly growing churches may see around 16% of first time guest join the church Ø Growing, healthy churches will see 25% or more guests join the church  

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