Daily Scripture

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Today I would like to look at John 16 verse 21 to 22

21)When a woman is about to give birth, she is sad because her hour of suffering has come; but when the baby is born, she forgets her suffering, because she is happy that a baby has been born into the world.
22)That is how it is with you: now you are sad, but I will see you again, and your hearts will be filled with gladness, the kind of gladness that no one can take away from you.

The disciples would be sad, because Jesus was going to be crucified, but their hearts would be filled with gladness when He would be resurrected again after three days. The temporary setbacks does not compare with the eternal joy we will receive. The death of Jesus is compared to a woman giving birth, who forget the pain of giving birth when the baby is born. We must know that even if we suffer on earth today, one day we will receive eternal joy, with eternal life.

I hope you have a wonderful day. May God Bless you.
Soli Deo Gloria

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