Basic Principles in Islam

السلم عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتة

I hope you are well, if not then we ask Allah to heal and protect you.
This is only through the Mercy of Allah

There is a worrying concern over the general Muslim population in Cape Town. We seem to have drifted apart as a brotherhood and ‘slightly’ away from the Quran and Sunnah. I use the word ‘slightly’ because our understanding of Islamic Principles is limited.

This post was written with the intention of either educating or revising our basic Islamic Principles, from the Quran and Sunnah. We ask Allah to guide us and let this be beneficial

The first Principle is: The Sources of Islam

The source of Islam is how we know Islam to be. There are only four sources of Islam –

  1.  The Holy Quran
  2.  The Prophetic Traditions of Muhammad (SAW)
  3.  Consensus
  4.  The Life of the Companions

The Holy Quran comes from Allah. Allah says,

(Surah Hijr Verse 9 Ibn Kathir)

This indicates that everything in the Quran is the truth, and everything that is said in the Quran is the Word of Allah

We must take our understanding or interpretations, from the Companions’ understanding of the Quran. They were the best of people who lived around the greatest of creation – Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SAW).

When coming across a verse that you do not understand or would like to check up its meaning, then you should look at what the Companions said about the verse. A commendable Tafsir Book to use is Tafsir Ibn Kathir

I will continue with further explanaion of the Quran and its virtues, as well as the explanations of the other 3 sources of Islam in the next email in shaa Allah

وعليكم السلم و رحمة الله و بركاتة

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