There are many categories of demons, but for emphasis sake i will share a little about the ones that most likely exercise their influence on humans even christians without them even noticing...remember hosea 4vs6 says: my people perish for lack of knowledge.
This is an insight on the categories of demons.

  1. THE UNCLEAN SPIRIT: All demons are unclean but there are some that specialise in uncleanness.Luke 4:33-34. Demons can be generous,they can work false miracles. God's miracle worker must be humble and holy. The unclean spirits cause people to sin and they seduce,and always throw down and tear their victim.
  2. THE DEAF AND DUMB SPIRIT: They enter into people and cause them to be deaf and dumb. If they are taken to the hospital,the doctor finds nothing wrong in them.
    3.SPIRIT OF INFIRMITY OR BINDING SPIRITS: They work with muscles and bones. They cause deformity.Luke 13:11-15. They can't be treated with x-ray or injection; only by the Word of God.
  3. LYING SPIRITS: All demons are liars and cause even prophets to lie.2kings 22:20-22. 2chronicles18:19-23.
  4. FAMILIAR SPIRIT: Revelation 20:6.
  5. FOUL SPIRIT: Deals with dirty things.Revelation 18:2
  6. THE SPIRIT OF JEALOUSY: Deals mostly with women. It is a sin to be jealous.Numbers5:14-30
  7. SEDUCING SPIRIT: Causes problems in men and women,boys and girls. They cause sexual sins.
    Remain blessed and stay Holy.
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