My Thoughts about Stephen Hawking


Stephen Hawking, a world renowned physicist, past away recently, and the world is talking about him, maybe more than when he was alive. I have seen many videos, and read many articles about him, what he has done, his medical miracle and so on, but it all seems so sad. This is a man of "academia" that is known everywhere. Consider this. The U.S. educational system has been failing, a little worse with each generation, and yet, one of the most popular t.v. shows for the past decade (the Big Bang Theory), had Hawking on as a guest, and spoken of on the show with high reverence for his genius and "insight" into the universe.

[Want to know how famous he was, read this article: ]


Why would the most well known physicist today, a man that is put on the same level as Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton, be so widely accepted in both academia and entertainment? I believe it is only because he constantly spoke against, even the possibility, of a Creator of all things. His espousal of atheism IS what made him famous. The same thing happened to Charles Darwin. Evolution was not a new "scientific" theory, but rather an old one. The new part about it with Darwin was he said it happened by chance...that there is no God. The Greeks believed in a type of evolution, but their "gods" did it. Darwin was famous and widely accepted to this day, because of the same atheistic views.

The sad part about all of this is what Father in Heaven gave to Hawking. Hawking was given a brilliant mind, he was given multiple world stages for the better part of half a century. He not only has been given countless audiences in scientific groups and "higher" education campuses, as well as multiple guest appearances and hundreds of mentions in one of the most successful t.v. programs in history, he was also the focus of study concerning his illness that he struggled with for nearly 55 years.

Stephen Hawking had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (aka Lou Gehrig's disease) for 55 years. The average person diagnosed with such a disease lives 2-5 years, with less than 10 percent living 10 years, and yet Mr. Hawking lived 55 years with this disease. Doctors have looked the world over for anybody coming close to having lived that long and cannot come close.

Now let us put all of this together. Stephen Hawking was given a brilliant mind. Stephen Hawking was given fame and adoration. Stephen Hawking was given 50 years of life more than he should have had. Despite his condition, he fathered 3 children (2 sons and a daughter). Oh yeah, and Stephen Hawking was worth around $20 million when he died, so he had that too, and with all of that, he preached with complete conviction and determination that "there is no god". Instead of praising his Creator for all of his many blessings, instead using the very scientific field of physics to show the attributes of God, he did everything he could do to destroy millions of peoples faith the world over.

I believe Hawking's devotion to evolution and denying God IS the thing that made him famous. The truth is, most of the science behind theoretical physics, doesn't change anything. It is all theory. It won't give you an extra hour of daylight each day because you understand what they are saying...that is why congress gave us daylight savings, so we can all be equal theoretical physicist. LOL. Knowing or understanding their math won't get you any closer to knowing or understanding how to love your neighbor. It is an intellectual, all in your mind, kind of smarts, that has become idolized in this day and age, and used a form of "man is god" theology.

I truly am sorry for Mr. Hawking and his family. I pray they find comfort in this time, but I pray they find their Heavenly Father thru His Son Yashua Messiah more. You see, you can study the laws of the universe for your entire life, and understand things about the makeup and design of it, but if you do not know Messiah you cannot know the Father. IF you do not know the Laws of God, you cannot determine and follow the true Messiah. We can learn about Gods Laws concerning every creature on earth, every fish in the sea, every bird in the air. We can learn His laws of how He seems to hold all things together, but if we do not learn the Laws He has set forth for us, if we do not see His Son as our example of how to live them, and see His Son as our Redeemer, then nothing else matters.

1 Corinthians 1:26-27 26Brothers, consider the time of your calling: Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were powerful; not many were of noble birth. 27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28He chose the lowly and despised things of the world, and the things that are not, to nullify the things that are.

Now I am sure, as is with ALL famous atheist, we will one day hear of his bedside acceptance of Yashua, and how he gave his life over like the thief on the cross. I usually don't give much weight in what someone supposedly said just before they died, especially when so many of those stories have been debunked. All I do know, is this man denied the Living God his entire life. Even in his death, the media focused on Hawking's atheist beliefs

(a few headlines that popped up with Google news):

TIME- World remembrance Stephen Hawking Was an Atheist. Here’s What He Said About God, Heaven and His Own Death

Washington Post- ‘I’m not afraid’: What Stephen Hawking said about God, his atheism and his own death

The Press Herald- For Hawking, atheism was not a theory

Now was his story of not giving up, and persevering, doing great things, even when confined to a wheelchair most of his life not an inspiring story? Absolutely. Kinda makes almost all of the welfare programs we have seem kinda pointless. I am sure he was a brilliant man, and I have seen clips of him speaking and he seemed to also have a great sense of humor, but unfortunately for him, and for most of his adoring fans who believe him, his great legacy will be that he led so many away from any understanding or even acknowledgment of our great Creator, YHVH.

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