Satan, Devils, and Demons; just by Believing, take on the Appearances of Angels of Light?

After almost 2,000 years, it would seem that Christians would stop and question what they are told to just believe. Children that are told on a daily basis to believe in Santa Claus by their Elders and Peers or they will not get the promised reward.

Parents never taking the time to question what is the hidden message behind Santa Claus or Satan's Claws of Materialism and Greed. The Love of Money and the Rich have Gold and Silver dressing their Trees. With the most expensive gifts beneath their leaves.

While the Poor has nothing but scraps beneath a cardboard box. The Homeless Veterans sleeping in the ditch...Judged by Santa Claus. Who knows who is Naughty or Nice...judged by what is beneath their Trees. What if they cannot even afford one?

What is the Message judged by what is beneath the Tree? As Proof of what beneath the Leaves...? Are the Poor and the Working Class the Naughty and those with the most the Nicest? Judged by what Spirit that knows All?

What does the Spirit of Truth reveal in the darkest made light between the Rich and the Poor and the Knowledge of the Truth of Good and Evil?

The Love of Money is the root of all Evil...

What happened to Love your Neighbors as yourselves and the Golden Rule, the Rod of Order and the Rule of Law of Good and Evil. When Prosperity Dogma is mixed in with the Gospel that the Apostles learned from the Living Example and Good Words of the Messiah.

A Rabbi and High Priest of His Father's House...

Generosity is supposed to be the Fruit of the Spirit, not Greed and Love for the things of this World, Things that must be removed before entering the Eye of the Needle of Deah's Door.

What then is important, where the Heart is, lay up that treasure...

Try doing what the Messiah says if you would realize his teachings. Any fool can praise and worship an Image gave the Name of a Man...The Mark of the Beast, Thou Shall Not Worship any Grave Image as God. Thou Shall have No God Before the One God of All.

Three Gods before One God is 3 Gods too Many and there is Only One God that knows the Time of his Son's Return, the one that his Son gave all the Glory.

Any religion whose fruit are the Crusades, the Witch Hunts, Slavery, Imprisonment, Torture, and Murder as in the Inquisition. Priests that make the claim that everything good bad or Evil they do to the Women, the Children and anyone they judge as their Enemies. Is the will of God...

Saying their God controls everything? Everything Wicked that they are doing to Children? Claiming Grace Only by the Law of the Shedding of Blood.

Forget Love, Obedience, and Mercy is the Goodwill of the God and Father of the Christ, sent by the Creator. That Christ that did not his own will but did the goodwill of God as a witness against the Wicked.

Who does the Goodwill of the Creator of Gentile and Jews, Brothers and Sisters, according to that Spirit and the Spirit of Truth? Jesus the Messiah, that says he was sent by God and that God has no Mother.

Or Jesus the God that claims only he is good, Making the nature of Mankind Evil, unable to do good. The Priesthood preaching that Mankind has the Nature of Devils, the offspring of Satan instead of the Creator.

The Good Tree cannot bring forth corrupt fruit. Remember, the Christ, Not God, said. you too can do everything I have done.

How is it that the Rulers of this World, full of wickedness in the High Places. Could so corrupt the good word of the Gospels, teaching that the Cup is supposed to be Hot and Cold...thoughts of the Doubleminded...Confusion and Darkness, the preaching and teaching of the Messiah?

For Yahshua/Jesus the Christ said, I came to reveal the mysteries and any child can understand. Only the Son can lead to Our Father that is no Man. The Name Holy Father stole by the Romans as well as the Gospel. Adding to and taking away from the Word. Just look at how many books they threw away and buried. Because the words did not fit their Narrative.

One that gave them Dominion over the World, having taken the Offering of Satan. Believing it better to Rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven. Let the good words of the Messiah, rebuke, reproof and Correct you and lead you to Repentance. Lest you believe the Sons and Daughters of God are Evil.

Satan, Devils, and Demons; just by Believing, take on the Appearances of Angels of Light? The God and Father of Abraham, the God of Deception, not the knowledge of the truth and the Spirit of it.

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