Character;the best religion.

According to some researched statistics,there are over 4200 religions in the world and all worshippers of a a particular religion or the other call on the same God.Before we discuss further,what is religion?
Religion is a particular system of faith and worship.It can also be paid to be the belief in and worship of a supernatural controlling power especially a personal god(s).They are simply doctrines or ways in which people serve God(same God).
There are so many religions such as Islam,Christianity,Buddhism,Judaism,hinduismetc.All the worshippers of these religions mentioned and beyond worship God in diverse ways but the big question is ,do people practice exactly what teachings each religion teaches?does it reflect on our character?Unfortunately,the answer is "NO".
Now,let's put into consideration the two most dominating religions in the world "Islam and Christianity".This two religions have great impact on so many people worshipping either of the two but it's unfortunate that virtually all the worshippers of either of the two religions don't exhibit in their character what each doctrines teaches,instead a christian despises a Muslim and vice versa,there is no epitome of love showed amongst worshippers,they prefer people in the same belief with them even when they know the other which has other belief has a good character.It's just a pity that many are just christians and muslims by mere titles and names and not in character,they do not portray "love"that the doctrine teaches.
For example,a muslim gave gifts to his fellow Christian for the annual Christmas festival and the Muslim was criticized by his fellow muslim ,telling him he did the wrong thing and tagging him as an unbeliever,seeing him someone who doesnt understand Islam when the Islam doctrine teaches us to love all be it a believer or an unbeliever.Another example is that of a christian who goes to a Muslim humble abode to wine,dine and merry with them for thr annual Salah festival,the christian is also criticized as being an unbeliever even in the Holy Bible,Jesus christ wined and dined with the unbelievers.It is just so appaling that so many religious leaders who are meant to potray thus doctrines in characters(muslims and Christians) are the one who do not in any way understand or either put to pratice what the doctrines say instead the mislead their followers t by the misinterpretation of the true doctines of each Holy Books (Holy Bible and Holy Quran)
Bases on my research,I discovered that virtually all the Holy books of diverse religions has a very guarantees information in its content which says "Serve me (God) in truth and in spirit" the words "truth and in spirit" simply means" in character".Character they say is like a smoke which spreads everywhere,it cant be hidden.One of the hidden facts that mst of christins and muslims know is that those people they tag as unbelievers,some of them will get into heaven,why???the simple answer to that is character,the unbelievrrs have good characters while most of us who call ourselves christians and Muslims dont exhibit good character.
However,am not in anyway saying Islam or christianity or any other religion isn't, good,of course,it's good but better when we all exhibit what the religion really teaches via our character,which brings to reason why character is the best religion,character basically show who we are and what we belief in.The world have been more better if everyone exhibits a good character which shows his or her religion,hence,character should be the major concern not mere formality of religion.
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