The Lord Saves no matter whatever you are.- Jesus Christ

The Lord Saves no matter whatever you are.

Once there was a lady who was caught by people who was charged of adultery. A bunch of men brought her in front of the lord to punish her. But the lord saved her life. They people wanted to stone her to death but the lord saved the lady and advised her not to do any more sin. The lord saw the entire crowd and asked the men, the one who has not sinned once to throw the first stone. This is a most imperative incident that confirms the Lord Jesus Christ is the one and only god who really cares and loves people, no matter what ever they do and no matter what they are. All that matters to the lord is, the lord wants each and every one of us to lead a peaceful and sinless life.

He the creator loves and only loves all of us. People who indulge in some kind of unacceptable conducts, lead a life that are considered as sin and are left to a situation that no one in the world can understand. The whole world, the people around us friends and family treats such person as a sinner at all times and they treat them in a manner that they are always rejected and hated by others. It is an agony inside when a person is always treated as a sinner, this makes people to have low self-respect, isolated and eventually hate themselves and end up their life with a pain inside. But the lord Never sees any single one as a sinner, he is all the time ready to forgive and forget our sins and all set to love us and help us and always treats us as his sons and daughters.

How much relief and peace a person acquires, to know there is a lord, the almighty who values a person, cares and loves a person when the world around does not do. The lord has given his life and suffered so copious, that cannot be described in words and sentences for each and every one of us.

There are so many incidents and happenings in the bible that describes the lord’s mercy and how he helps us. Whenever we are in problem and looking for a solution, out of desperation we ask, why do I get these problems? Especially believers keep asking this question frequently when the lord is always to help us why do we get the problem, why don’t the lord do somewhat, so that the problem never comes in spite of helping after the problem emanates.

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