Reasons for the Problems and solutions.- Jesus Christ

Reasons for the Problems.

If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.-John 14-14

There is something that we have to know clearly, no problem in a person’s life comes because of the lord. The lord never gives us problem. People think that that lord gives the problem, No the lord never offers problem to any person. On the other hand problems and the occurrences can be divided into two broad categories. One is the problems that comes when we do not know more about the lord that is due to our mistakes and the other is the more significant category problem that we come across when we know about the lord and tend to come closer to the lord.

The first one is the simple one that every person faces in their life it may be problems related to health finance, family, relationship, failures, quarrels etc. Which the lord always helps you. In these situation we pray and the prayers are answered immediately and we find a way out of it. We by ourselves are the creators of these problems. When you analyze the problems you conclude that nobody could be reason and responsible for our problem, we by our weakness, inability, mistakes, miscalculations and other reasons bring out the problems in our life.

There is another category of problem that people face when they enter into the spiritual life. These problem are very vital and different. Whenever a person comes into the Christianity and tries to follow there are problems from nowhere which not only disturbs us externally or physically but more and more internally that is spiritually and mentally. It brings us multiple doubts about almost everything, we keep asking ourselves, that every person comes across this. These problems are from the Satan’s side. The Satan never lets anybody to go towards the lord. He keeps troubling people, trying to stop them moving to the lord’s side. He gives so much problems and troubles that people start thinking at one stage why there are more trouble even after surrendering to the lord? We know the lord the savior is watching us and though we trust and follow the lord why there are so many hurdles and what is this reason for this.

But people have to remember one thing, Christianity and following Jesus Christ is very different from what people are told and understood. people consider it as a religion but only a person who really loves the lord and who have understood the lord discovers that Christianity is not a religion, it is a path and the Lord Jesus Christ is not a lord and god to save us from evils and problems and to help us in need, he is the one and the only god, who really loves and cares for each one of us.

When you examine further deep we can realize evidently. Consider there are two people one a noble person and the other an immoral one. The good one always teaches about good things and always comforts and favors the people who requests for it. On the other hand the evil one only teaches all immoral stuffs. Now as we all know from our experience, all the depraved conducts that a person initially learns are all the time thought-provoking, very attractive and people love those stuffs, but at the end, it only ends up in several severe harms. On the other hand the good practices are not so interesting and enthralling but at the end they gives us respectable outcomes. Similarly the virtuous man always teaches the good things which at the end results in goodness, and the bad ones are always mesmerizing which at the end create delinquent problems.

For instance when a person in need looks for a support. They immediately turn to the good one, nonetheless the bad one who is always in rivalry want to prove he is the better choice, out of his greed tries to bring out all possible hurdles to the people, so that the people would turn to him and to prove he is the best and wants people behind him. This is the purpose of the wicked one who at all times generates problem when we are running towards the lord. Now people acquire one more doubt, when the evil one creates the problem and hurdles what would we person do? Here many of the people see only the problem but at times forget to see the Satan and his cruelty behind the problem, so they fail and they return back.

I would like to remind each and everyone who wants to follow Christianity, every problem and struggle no matter how complicated or whatever you come across, they all can be easily cleared with a simple and humble solution, by calling the Lords Almighty’s name. Yes the lord’s name itself is the one and only solution that removes the Satan and his ill effects from us. It is a simple practice to clear out the problem with the lord’s name. The lord’s name is the most effective, solution for all the problems. The lord Jesus has made a promise Jesus whatever we ask in his name he shall grant them, and also whatever is asked in the name of Jesus to the heavenly father, our holy heavenly father will grant them. Just ask in the Name of Jesus....... Ask for seven times and see the result.

If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.-John 14-14

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