RE: FAITH VS REALISM (in my opinion)

This is actually a question that was posed to me by a wonderful friend so i just want to use this medium to reply. So as we all know these are two concepts that are entirely different from each other as compared in its strict sense. In this write up i will be attempting the following questions;
a) How do you define or view the two concepts that is FAITH and REALISM?
b) Can the two concepts coexist?
c) Is it right to liken REALISM to DOUBT?
d) Can a REALIST be called a man of FAITH?

Now, let us go down to the proposed answer to this questions

  • How do you define or view the two concepts that is FAITH and REALISM?
    Faith is a strong believe in someone or something that comes as a result of the level of trust that accrues to that person or thing. It is not any kind of staggering believe rather it is built on a strong foundation so that its always firm even when there is NO REASON to believe it that is why trust is a necessary in this case .This is usually attributed to Christians and the bible defines faith in the book of Hebrews chapter 6 vs 1 as ''the assuranceof things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. from this definition one thing is stark clear and that is believing in the unseen as if it is actually seen.
    Realism is majorly dealing with what is seen as against FAITH it tends to adopt a more objective approach in accepting or giving out . The Merriam Webster dictionary defines it as a'' quality of a person who understands what is real and possible in a particular situation and is able to deal with problems in an effective and practical way. In essence realism majorly deals with what is KNOWN .

  • Can the two concepts coexist?
    I still believe that the two can coexist because looking at the two concepts critically there is some thing that really distinguishes the two which is that Faith deals with the UNSEEN while Realism deals with the UNSEEN. Remember for something to coexist it means according to the Merriam Webster dictionary that they exist TOGETHER or at the same time.
    Now, it is very possible to have faith and still try to be realistic for example i have faith that am going to pass my exam and i go ahead to work towards REALIZING it the faith part has to do with the unseen more like seeing the future and the realizing part of it tends to deal with the practical or rather the realistic point of view .from this little analogy what am trying to draw out is that both concepts can really coexist, having faith is like viewing the future from the spiritual perspective but realism come to aid in achieving that which have been visualized. But the main issue here i guess is in terms of influence i.e which of them exerts more influence in your life?

  • Is it right to liken REALISM to DOUBT?
    I think that it is right or wrong depends on the situation because from the perspective of the realist he is just trying to be objective if you refer to something as something then you just have to prove it beyond every possible doubt. In the Auditing world there is a common terminology that exists and that is Professional Skepticism if you claim that the financial statements are true and fair the auditor will still go further to investigate it does not end at saying it .
    However, one can liken realism to doubt when it is based on the credibility of the source of the information . Here, the picture of THOMASis just coming to mind he was a follower of Jesus Christ in the bible after walking every day with him, hearing about him and even having an experiential knowledge of who he is still he did not believe when he was told that Jesus has arisen from the dead.

  • Can a REALIST be called a man of FAITH?
    my answer would be NO because he does not believe in the unseen or rather spiritual . it is just like what i said previously the two concepts can coexist but one has to exert more influence than the other. anyone that tends to subscribe to the reality is simply a realist and not a man of faith.
    like i said this is my opinion, if you also have any contribution do well to comment
    Thanks and do have a nice day

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