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The state of your heart determines your place on earth. Our great need is heart preparation. i am not saying that men are not to think and use their intellects, but he who cultivates his heart the most will use his intellect the best. I am not saying that people should not read motivational books, but their great study should be the Bible.

The heart is the saviour of the world. Heads do not save. Genius, brains, brilliancy and natural gifts do not save. The gospel flows from the heart, and all mightiest forces are heart forces. Great hearts makes great character(prov 4 vs 23).

Furthermore, hearts makes heaven. It is the heart and not the head that makes great men of God. Head homage does not conduct current in heaven. While the channel of preaching and teaching is the mind, it's fountain is the heart. It easier to fill the head than to prepare the heart.

If your heart is closed, your destiny will be closed. The purer your heart, the greater your possession on earth. What an engine is to the car, is what the heart is to your destiny because destiny will always crash if the heart is broken.

Pearls of wisdom
@favourh cares!

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