When God visits!


Psalm 24: 1
God is the owner of all the earth and all that is in it; He also owns the world and all its inhabitants.
Our God as creator of the existing, is the original and real owner of everything. He has the title of Lord and supreme King (JEHOVAH is his name). As possessor of everything, he has visitation times on earth, nations, cities, people. He is sovereign.

The Owner must not ask permission to create, be it man, authorities or the devil.

He decides to visit and nobody can stop him.

Job 34:13
Who visited the earth for him? And who put the whole world in order?

GOD has always visited man to show him his grace, his great mercy, his eternal love and his just judgments since no one can deceive God.

The purpose of a visit from God

A visitation is defined as a sudden and predetermined action of going with some intention, God is the one who puts order.

A visitation from God is meant to reward or punish people for their deeds.

Visitation for the Sin of a Nation:

Genesis 18:20
And the LORD said unto him, Because the cry against Sodom and Gomorrah is increased more and more, and their sin is exceedingly grievous.

Genesis 19:13
We are going to destroy this place, because its cry has become so great before the LORD, that the LORD has sent us to destroy it.

Genesis 19: 24-25
At that time God caused a rain of burning sulfur to fall from heaven on Sodom and Gomorrah. This is how God ended the cities of the valley.

In the midst of the general judgment that was made against Sodom and Gomorrah, God took care of his Righteous and kept Lot with all his family. God cares for his Children in the midst of the processes of the nations.

Proverbs 3: 32-35
The cry and prayer has the power to bring a visitation from God that brings order to the nations. The more we pray the quicker the divine visit of the King will come.

Visitation for personal sin:

Exodus 20: 3-6
Do not have other gods besides me. »Do not make idols or images of anything that is in heaven, on the earth or deep in the sea. Do not kneel before them or worship in their honor. I am the God of Israel, and I am a jealous God.

I visit the parents' wickedness about the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who hate me, but I treat kindly all the descendants of those who love me and keep my commandments.
Idolatry is a sin that attracts the Judgment of God for generations, God is jealous and does not accept betrayals by putting your faith in what He created. The only one worthy of being worshiped is the Creator. God is so great and infinite that making an image of him turns out to be an offense.

Deuteronomy 7: 9
Know, then, that Jehovah your God is God, the faithful God, who keeps covenant and mercy to those who love him and keep his commandments, up to a thousand generations.
Así como el pecado trae la visitación por el pecado por 4 generaciones, amar a Dios y obedecerle trae la visitación de la bendición por mil generaciones. Tu hoy estas bendiciendo a tus generaciones.

Visitación de recompensa por la fe:

1 Samuel 2:21
Y visitó Jehová a Ana.

Génesis 21:1-2
Visitó Jehová a Sara, como había dicho, e hizo Jehová con Sara como había hablado. Y Sara concibió y dio a Abraham un hijo en su vejez, en el tiempo que Dios le había dicho.

Hebrews 11:11
Only a visitation from God could make a man of 100 years and his sterile woman of 90 could have a son in his arms.

Doing the impossible is the office of God. Our great problems would not seem so great if we allow God to work in them

After repeated promises, only the visitation of God himself produced the expected miracle. It is time not to complain, to lament and worry, this is the time to cry out with your whole being and wait for him.
Focus on the promises of God. Trust that He will fulfill what He promised.

VISITS ARE CAUSED BY CLAMOR, PRAYER, FASTING AND FAITH IN HIM. GOD ALWAYS COMES TO TIME! Let us raise our hands to Him, let us call for His visitation for our lives, families and in our beloved Venezuela.


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