Balinese Way to be happy

Who wants to be happy?

But now I am going to explain the how to be happy in a very Balinese way

But now I am going to explain the how to be happy in a very Balinese way.

The basic of this philosophy called Tri Hita Karana. Tri means three, Hita means happy or happiness Karana means way or means. so Tri Hita Karana literally means three way to be happy.

  1. Parhyangan
  2. Pawongan
  3. Palemahan


parhayangan means our relationship to the God our almighty creator. This is the reason why Balinese are so bond to ceremony in Bali. No matter how bad or even how careless a person is, when it is come ceremony or anything related to god they will happily involved. So it is so common to see a gang member, full tattooed and pierced person wear balinese traditional cloth and go to pray at the temple. note: I am not against those who loves tattoo or piecing but most of gangster here wear those (this applied here only)


Pawongan means our relation between human in the comunity. So if you want to be happy make a good relation to the other person around us. as a social creature we will need the other, it is our nature to do so. And a very basic things needed in this kind of relationship is respect. if you want to be treated good so treat the other better. Old proverb says. so does happen here on steemit. 


means our relation to the environment. we Balinese has a ceremony done twice a year just to worship the god that preserve the wildlife and twice a year for plantation. if you ever come to Bali you will notice there some big tree clothed with checkboard fabric, it is a way for Balinese to maintain our relation to the environment. saying our gratitude for what ever benefit that tree give, and also the tree is consider sacred. it is just an example though.


it changed and evolved.

But as the world evolve so does the human and also Balinese. When the money kicks in, other culture arrived, materialism arise this philosophy passed down by my anchestor is not applied  sometimes even by Balinese themselves. 

I hope this could inspire those who read this, so that you can understand or even applies this, so that you could achieve happiness in Balinese way. 😃😃

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