God of Disaster Sources

Storms, Floods, Landslide, Earthquakes, with a total of thousands of people drifted due to natural disasters that occurred during the period 2017, this incident occurred in various countries.

But do we know? all that can not be separated in relation to god! God is omnipotent Everything in this world is his will. Consequently, the blessing of grace, and the positive things we experience, comes from it.

Disaster According to the Bible

Admittedly, the Bible as a foundation of faith and church life is divided into disasters is a form of God's love and kaitanya with Sin that we do.

Man sinned, god dukuknya, disaster came, that's the picture.

The Flood of Noah's Time (Genesis 7-8) for example. The great flood came after God saw "The great man's wickedness on earth and indeed all things are evil (Genesis 6: 5).

Is this the reason to make God regret creating people and plan to reduce them?

Then the Destruction of the Land of Sodom and Gemora (Genesis 19). The plagues struck Egypt (Exodus 7-12) and many other stories tell similar stories.

The first step is to understand the previous stories by not seeing them as historical notes, Seafarers as teaching stories and Reflections of faith. And we must also understand in the Bible, the universe is seen as a tool or means for God to fulfill his will.

Things and Creatures exist to serve the will of the Creator. And no wonder there we find also the story of the sea being split (Exodus 14: 21-22). It is also about the sun that holds it out of order (Joshua 10: 12-13) as well as the occurrence of rain that is prevented from falling (1 Kings 17; 1).

The story of Jonah is at least a very clear example of how nature deserves the will of God: A great storm suddenly appeared "Catch" Jonah tried to escape from him (Jonah 1: 4). Then came the great fish swallowing Jonah not to drown (Jonah 1:17). Then the tree suddenly bursts in an instant, sheltering Jonah when his heart is upset (Jonah 4: 6). Then who is the actor behind all that? The answer is God.

Creator of the Universe

In the book of Genesis, the Faith about it is emphatically said "God is the Creator of the Universe" Genesis 1: 1-2: 4a).

So also related mahakaryanya, Moon, Stars, Sun and all residents, showing greatness. And diapula save and organize everything he creates.

Sea and land, the workings of the sun and the moon is determined by God, all dicipatkanya neatly arranged, siluh deposits change unfinished, neat and harmonious. No wonder if we say "God saw everything and made it very good (Gen 1:13)

Disobedience, our sin spreads things that we unwittingly desire. There gave birth to repeats, murders and wars. Nature is ruined simply because of our arrogance and unity. A perverse thought when we feel able to do anything as long as our desires are achieved. Then we have to blame who when ALLAh kick us by moving the power of nature and sound harmony of the universe.[]

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