The similarity between Islam and Christianity.


After seeing the title you would understand what I gonna say.
Yes, today I am gonna describe a major difference and similarity between Islam and Christianity. And one thing this post will be religious but don't want to hurt anyone. Only I am sharing what I know.


Islam and Christianity coming from one man that is prophet Adam peace be upon him. We both believe he was the first man on the earth and he is the father of all humans. We both believe in one God. And we believe the God is our generator, operator and destroyer. No one can save when god gives punish and no one can harm when God wants. He is the only generator of this world and everything. I am Muslim and I love and believe in Jesus Christ peace be upon him. No one can be a good Muslim if he or she don't believe in Jesus Christ peace be upon him.

If anyone wanna knows about Islam. He shouldn't see the follower of Islam rather he should see the holy book of Islam and another hand if anyone knows about the Christianity he should see the Bible.

The major different.

We have some misunderstanding because Christians believe Jesus Christ peace be upon was God or son of God whereas Muslims believe Jesus Christ peace be upon him was a messenger of God. Like Moses, Adam peace be upon him was a messenger of just like Jesus Christ peace be upon him was also a messenger or prophet of God. That is the major difference between Islam and Christianity. I think when we solve the question that Jesus was a messenger of God or god then other small differences slowly we can solve between us easily.

I believe Jesus was a messenger of God. It would be not fair if say without proof. I have not much knowledge about Christianity but after watching these videos my believing made strong.


I love and salute this man. Really he is an ocean of knowledge.


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